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Final Fantasy XV

Square Enix | Official Site


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Final Fantasy XV Articles

Opinion: Final Fantasy XV Is The Best One And You Know It - The RPG Files

Ryan looks back on Square Enix's Final Fantasy XV and the journey it took him on, and why it's the best one in the series in his opinion.

Final Fantasy XV Mobile Game In Development

It looks like a mobile version of Final Fantasy XV is in the works.

Final Fantasy XV's Standalone Comrades Multiplayer Version is Now Out on PS4 & XB1

Anyone who loves Final Fantasy XV but is only interested in the multiplayer component will be happy to hear that the Comrades standalone version is now available on PSN and XBox Live. Those who already own the Season Pass (including ALL PC owners) have access to Comrades and there is no need to repurchase it. Those who will be buy it are in for cheery news: Comrades is only $9.99 and comes with 10 bosses to duke it out with.

All But One Final Fantasy XV DLC Canceled as Game Director Departs Square Enix

Square Enix conducted a special live stream that many thought would be discussing future DLC for Final Fantasy XV. However, the announcement went the opposite direction. Fans have been informed that not only are three of the game's DLC canceled, but Game Director Hajime Tabata has left Square Enix. Tabata has been working on FFXV since he took over from Tetsuya Nomura in 2013.

Final Fantasy XV PC Version Review

Final Fantasy XV has finally made its way to the PC. It is a beast of a game that demands a minimum of 86 gigs worth of room on your system as well as other requirements. Is it worth the install space on your computer? Time to dig deeper and find out. This is our Final Fantasy XV review.

Windows Edition First Impressions

The wait is over and Final Fantasy XV has finally made its way to the PC market. Let's get the first thing out of the way, 86 gigs. Because I'm sure people will complain about the install size or the system needed to run the game. Overall, I have a decent PC setup and the game ran fine after a few hiccups. Let's dig into the game for a quick impression, shall we?

Pre-Order Details for PC Version Released Along with Benchmark Tool

Square Enix has released the pre-order details for Final Fantasy XV on PC. The game is available to purchase on Steam, Origin or through the Microsoft Store, each with its own unique pre-order bonuses. In addition, Square has provided a benchmark tool for potential players to use to determine if their systems are up to par to play the game. Hop through the jump to check out the details.

Headed to PC in 2018 as Revealed at Nvidia Gamescom Conference

Nvidia and Square Enix have sent out some great news for PC fans who missed the chance to play Final Fantasy XV: The game is headed out to Steam, Windows 10 and Origin in early 2018. The PC version will arrive complete with all the DLC that has been released for the game so far.

Comrades Multiplayer Expansion CBT to Start in August

Final Fantasy XV will be receiving a multiplayer expansion called Comrades. According to a post on the game's official site, Season Pass holders and PS Plus / XBox Live Gold members will be able to take part in the "exclusive preview" starting August 3rd and ending August 8th.

A King's Tale: FFXV Spinoff Now Out on Consoles

For those who didn't preorder Final Fantasy XV and receive a copy of the spinoff title, A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV, the wait is over. The game has just been released a s a free download for both PlayStation 4 and XBox One. Anyone can download the tie-in game, not only those who own a copy of FFXV.

Do Today's Nvidia Tech Test Videos Mean PC Version Incoming?

During today's Nvidia presentation at the Game Developers Conference, the Final Fantasy XV team presented a number of "tech videos" that featured an awfully familiar set of characters. The videos were made in partnership with Nvidia's Gameworks group and using the Luminous Studio Pro, the FFXV game engine.

Moogle Chocobo Carnival to Arrive Today + New Trailer

Square Enix has sent word that the Final Fantasy XV Chocobo Carnival will be arriving today beginning at 5:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 pm Eastern. Players will need to head to Altissia and can take part in chocobo races, play other carnival games and earn treats as well. All players, free and premium, can take part if the Holiday Pack is downloaded. The event will run through February 20th.

Over Six Million Retail & Digital Units Sold

Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XV has sold over six million units worldwide. The statistic includes both retail and digital units sold across PlayStation 4 and XBox One.

Let's Talk About the Bad Parts

Final Fantasy XV is overall an interesting game which I completely enjoyed and I can’t wait for all the upcoming DLC to arrive. As much as I loved the characters and playing the game, there are some frustrating issues which standout; largely because so most of the game is fantastic. I’d like to take a closer look at issues and examine what the core problem really is.

Holiday DLC To Launch December 22nd

Square Enix has announced that it will be releasing a DLC for Final Fantasy XV on December 22nd. Players with the game's Season Pass or those who own the Digital Premium Edition will receive a Holiday Pack DLC that includes a number of in-game items and access to a "fun-filled carnival".