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New World Is Shifting To A Seasonal Model As It Plans A New Expansion For The Fall

New World is shifting to a seasonal model, Amazon Games has announced this morning, bringing a major change in how updates are released for the MMORPG. Additionally, the new roadmap by Amazon Games has the team planning to release its next expansion in the Fall of 2023.

Side Quests: Cyberpunk 2077 Remains Unrivaled

Shank comes back to talk about why Cyberpunk 2077 has aged like fine wine, and why it should be celebrated.

Guild Wars 2: Breaking Down The February 14th Balance Update

Guild Wars 2 recently had its February 14th Balance update. Lowry is here to break down the main details for each profession.

Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Black Desert Online

Black Desert has gone through a renaissance of sorts. Seasons are constantly being played and often filled. New and returning players are plentiful, and Orcs are still ridiculously crowded. For new players, however, things can be extremely overwhelming, and it can be very difficult to figure out what matters, what doesn't, what you should and shouldn't be doing, and how you should be doing it.  Here are five things to help you on your way that we wish we knew when we first started.

An MMO Clan at War: Embedded With Foxhole's 27th Corps

Foxhole provides a unique look at warfare in an MMORPG. Philip embedded with a major clan in the MMO to take part in that war, reporting how Clans work together to triumph in battle.

There's Something Awesome about Maegu (and a Criticism on Gear Progression)

Maegu released on Black Desert Online, and Lowry is a fan. Like, majorly so. Check out their thoughts, as well as some criticism on gear progression in BDO.

Breaking Down The Elder Scrolls Online Necrom Reveal

Zenimax has just announced the new chapter for 2023, The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom. Players will return to Eastern Morrowind, and a new class, the Arcanist, is being added to the game. Read on for Kevin's thoughts on what the studio has revealed so far.

LotRO's Southern Expansion Towards Umbar Should Be Exciting For Any Tolkien Fan

Last year when The Lord of the Rings Online teased the location of the next major expansion, Bradford was hoping for Mithlond. However, yesterday's announcement that it's in fact Umbar, it might have him more excited, especially as a Tolkien fanatic.

Can EVE Online Ride Its Uprising Momentum Into The Third Decade?

EVE Online has had a great end of 2022 thanks to the success of their recent Uprising expansion. But can CCP Games ride that momentum into the third decade as EVE celebrates 20 years this year?

Wizards Reveals More Of Magic's Phyrexia: All Will Be One Set, Including All The Compleated Planeswalkers

Wizards of the Coast revealed the full Phrexia: All Will Be One set today via a live stream on Twitch, highlighting more of the world, card treatments, new cards and more, including the full Compleated set of Planeswalkers in New Phyrexia.

WoW Classic's Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Reminds Me Nostalgia Can Be Cruel

The original Wrath of the Lich King is the number one expansion in World of Warcraft for many and that includes Kanishka as well. But after experiencing the expansion all over again in Classic, it made him realize that nostalgia can play a major role in changing our perception of how good or bad things truly were "back in the day."

Best LOTRO Plugins for Beginners in 2023

As more players start to hop into The Lord of the Rings Online, we wanted to give new players a leg up with some of the best add-ons to grab as you start your adventure, whether in The Shire or grabbing a pint at the Inn at the Prancing Pony.

What Are Your 2023 MMORPG Resolutions?

As the new year starts in earnest, many of us start to get into the habit of setting a new year's resolution. For some, it could be eating healthier, while others it could be exercise. However, for myself and many gamers, we set those goals for our gaming life, especially with the mountains of content MMOs provide. What are some of your resolutions for the new year?

Why Do You Think Old-School MMO Design Is So Alluring To Fans Of The Genre Even Today?

Many MMOs come out of the woodwork professing to bring back the feel of old-school MMOs. From the recent release of Ember's Adrift, to Pantheon which takes cues from the early days of the MMORPG genre, this is an alluring concept to prospective players.What about it is so alluring?

Are There Any MMOs You Fell Off Of In 2022 That You're Hoping To Pick Back Up In 2023?

As the new year approaches, many of us take the time to look back on the year that was. For some of us, we look back on those games that might have captured our attention at one point, but we really, really fell off of as the year went on. Is there an MMO that you fell off of in 2022 that you're hoping to hop back into in 2023?