The last time I tried to make a Best of Indie MMOs was back in 2023. Out of the 10 MMORPGs listed, one is dead, two are in maintenance mode, two are hanging on by a thread that could break any second, and a couple are still working towards a final release. That leaves just three MMORPGs from the list doing “fine,” showing just how hard it is to develop an MMO on an indie budget. But that doesn’t mean you should skip indie MMOs altogether. So, with that thought in mind, I’ve compiled a list of the 10 best indie MMOs to play in 2025 and beyond.
10 - BitCraft
BitCraft is a co-op MMO focused on settlement building. Many will view it as a cozy MMO since it doesn’t have PvP combat. Currently in Closed Alpha testing, the last session, Closed Alpha 3, saw its final weeks opened up to the masses. This gives us hope that as BitCraft marches towards full release, future test sessions will be open to the public.
9 - Embers Adrift
When Embers Adrift launched in 2022, MMORPG gave it a 4 out of 10 rating. Since then, the MMO has continued to address player concerns. Additional quality-of-life features, new zones and quests, and other updates continue to be released at a steady cadence. Embers Adrift also dropped its subscription and moved to a buy-to-play model before turning the first zone into a free trial. And all of that was before EA temporarily went F2P due to issues with its payment processor. Currently working on a move to Steam, will Embers Adrift be the first MMO on this list to crumble under the pressure, or will it become your next favorite MMO?
8 - Palia
Originally announced in 2021, Cozy Sim MMO Palia hit the ground running with an Open Beta for PC starting in August 2023, followed soon after by a Nintendo Switch release in December 2023 and Steam Early Access launch in early 2024. Palia’s future quickly turned bleak as developer Singularity 6 suffered multiple layoffs before being acquired by Daybreak Games in July.
Since the acquisition, things have leveled out, and the team has continued to release updates through the second half of 2024. Things could always turn sour again, but if you are looking for a relaxed cozy MMO to invest some time into, then Palia is your best bet right now.
7 - Villagers & Heroes
With such a volatile landscape for indie MMOs, it’s always nice to see one succeed. Villagers & Heroes was first released in 2014 and currently has over four million registered users, so I suppose you can add it to the success column. Available on Android, iOS, and PC, V&H offers something for everyone, including 5 playable classes, 15 subclasses, 10 non-combat skills, and 166 regions to explore.
6 - Broken Ranks
Broken Ranks first caught our attention with something you don’t normally see in an MMORPG: turn-based combat. Developer White Moon Games continued to update and mold the MMO in 2024, adding daily and weekly challenges, introducing Epic weapons, and testing a mobile version of Broken Ranks. Broken Ranks is currently celebrating its third anniversary with free premium time and other birthday presents, so now might be the right time to begin your journey in Broken Ranks.
5 - Ashes of Creation
Although Ashes of Creation is still in Alpha testing after a decade of development, the servers should be going 24/7 when Ashes begins Alpha Phase 3 on May 1st. If you buy into Alpha 2 Phase 3 for $100, you can expect two new zones, four new node layouts, four additional races, the Summoner archetype, and additional content and systems. Just remember, don’t join the Alpha test if you are expecting to “play a game.”
4 - Foxhole
One of the allures of indie MMOs is they aren’t stuck in the high fantasy setting found in most AAA titles. Foxhole is one such MMO, forgoing magic and axes for rifles and tanks. Set in an alternate World War era universe, Foxhole sees thousands of players taking up arms for the Colonials and Wardens as they fight for supremacy on a persistent battlefield. Each soldier contributes to the war through logistics, base building, recon, combat, or a combination of roles. Other than a few free resources at the start of each war, players must gather, build, and transport weapons, ammo, vehicles, and other resources to the front lines.
3 - Ravendawn
Ravendawn first appeared in our Indie MMO Spotlight column all the way back in 2021, but it didn’t make our 2023 best of list. In hindsight, it should have. Following successful beta testing in 2023, Ravendawn had one of those shaky but successful launches in January 2024. Since then, the 2D open-world sandbox MMO has flourished. There have been multiple significant updates to the MMO, including its first expansion, Horizon’s Call, on August 9, 2024. Now, a year after its full release, Ravendawn will be getting a full mobile client.
2 - City of Heroes: Homecoming
Our 2023 Best of list had Ship of Heroes and City of Titans as a pair of superhero hopefuls. They’re still under development but are being replaced here with City of Heroes: Homecoming. Shut down by NCSoft in 2012, Homecoming was run as an unofficial private server before finally being granted a license in January 2024 to continue development on the MMO.
With the legality of the project solidified, 2024 was a big year for CoH: H, with over 570,000 new characters created, not to mention the celebration of CoH’s 20th anniversary. Plans for 2025 include updating all of the seasonal events and releasing Issue 28, Pages 2 and 3, making City of Heroes: Homecoming one of the brightest stars in the Indie MMO multiverse.
Honorable Mentions: Still Too Early In Development
Before we move on to number one, I’d like to take a moment to list a few indie MMOs that I think will be successful but just aren’t quite ready to hold a spot on this list. You can follow the development of all of these titles, plus dozens more, in our Indie MMO Spotlight column, which is published every Sunday.
Eternal Tombs - I am looking forward to Eternal Tombs because the team is planning on having live DMs who will shape the world as you play. The first round of tests was held in 2024, and the end-of-year newsletter pencils in late February or early March for the next round of testing, which will include 10 new zones for players to explore.
Monsters & Memories - M&M is a retro-themed, subscription-only MMO that won’t be out in 2024, but you’ll still want to keep an eye on its development. Early testing was held in 2024, with alpha/beta testing planned to begin this summer. With an early access release date of January 2025, we all may be playing Monsters & Memories next year.
Anvil Empires - Another MMO being developed by Foxhole developer Siege Camp, Anvil Empires will take us back to the medieval period. Players will engage in massive melee battles with up to 1000 players at a time. More than just Foxhole with primitive weapons, Anvil Empires will also focus on settlement-building.
1 - Albion Online
Albion Online was the most established indie MMO on our list in 2023, and it remains the same going into 2025. And let’s not forget that Albion Online was both the MMORPG’s staff and players choice pick for best indie MMO of 2024. Initially focused on player vs player combat, Albion Online has been injected over the years with more solo and co-op content. MMORPG writer Nick Shively had a positive experience revisiting Albion Online when the Paths to Glory update was released in the middle of last year, and with the Rogue Frontier update coming in February, it looks like AO is poised for another great year.