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Crafting is Good. Could it Be Better?

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com Fallen Earth Correspondent Paul Cox writes this look at the Fallen Earth crafting system as it stands today and asks a few questions about whether or not it could be improved in implementation.

Crafting has been lost in the muck lately in the gaming industry. I had found myself in conversations with friends about what would make a good crafting system for a game. Shortly after these conversations, I stumbled upon this game called Fallen Earth. It touted an impressive crafting system.

I tried it and found out that suddenly Fallen Earth has given crafting gameplay a new lease on life. With 95% of the items in game being created with player crafting, this means that there is a large crafting system in effect, right?

While this is true in a sense, it seems that the crafting system in Fallen Earth has fallen short of the proverbial "Crafter's Dream" crafting system. Don't get me wrong, it has more depth and capabilities of other systems that I have seen in other games, it just lacks in the polish and luster department.

Read Crafting is Good. Could it Be Better?


Jon Wood