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EverQuest Articles

Twice-Yearly Campaigns Introduced

EverQuest players will have a lot to look forward to with the introduction of what Holly Longdale calls "campaigns". Rather than a single annual expansion, players will enjoy twice-yearly 'campaign' DLC. Longdale explains that this helps keep the world fresh, packed with content and gives the team a very quick turn around on player feedback.

16th Anniversary 30-Day All-Access Membership Giveaway!

The folks at Daybreak are celebrating the 16th anniversary of EverQuest this week and we've got 16 30-Day All-Access Membership codes to give away to mark the occasion.

Original Launch Trailer a Blast From the Past

Today marks the official sixteenth anniversary of the launch of EverQuest. To celebrate, let's take a look back at the original launch trailer from 1999 (and let's party!) reposted by the EQ team in 2012.

16th Anniversary Events & Schedule Revealed

Daybreak Game Studio has revealed the sixteenth anniversary celebration schedule and events for EverQuest. Players can look forward to special player-designed missions, Brew Day, Bristlebane Day and more.

New Loot System in March, Progression Server Poll Incoming

The EverQuest team was on hand last week to give players the thumbs up on continuing development for the game. Among other things, it was announced that seven player-created missions will be arriving in next month's anniversary update, as well as the new loot system. In addition, a progressive server is still very much at the forefront but without solid plans at the moment pending a possible survey of players to see how they would like it to manifest.

AMA - Feb 18, 2015

Learn more about the exciting future of EverQuest during the replay of this live AMA with some of the members of the Daybreak Games team! On February 18, 2015 the team answered questions provided by players on our official forums and Twitch chat live during a stream on http://www.twitch.tv/daybreakgames

16th Anniversary to Feature Player-Designed Missions

During the SOE Live celebrations of the past two years, EverQuest fans worked with developers to create Player-Designed Missions. This year marks EQ's sixteenth anniversary and these new missions will be the centerpiece of the celebration. The news was delivered in the first producer's letter of the year that lays out other details in store for the game.

The Darkened Sea Flows Into Game

The twenty-first EverQuest expansion has been released and will give players lots of time at the beach in pursuit of new quests, new gear and much more. Called "The Darkened Sea", the expansion gives players an opportunity to revisit characters and locations from the past that have been reimagined in new ways. Of note is the new "mount keyring" that places all mounts in a single location in order to free up inventory space.

Still Going After 15 Years

At SOE Live, the original EverQuest got its share of the spotlight, and it was clear that despite Landmark and EverQuest Next being the new hotness, the elder game in the franchise still has legs and a future in front of it. We sat down with EverQuest Producer Thom Terrazas to discuss their plans for the game and what that immediate future might be.

Plane of War & Player Designed Missions Enter Game

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the long-awaited Plane of War, originally scheduled to be in the game a decade ago, has finally made its debut in EverQuest. In addition, player-designed missions have also been released in the latest game update.

Fifteen Years in a Single Image

To celebrate EverQuest's fifteen anniversary, Sony Online Entertainment has published a terrific inforgraphic to show off some amazing stats gained over the decade and a half since the game's launch.

Happy 15th Anniversary Norrath - EQ Updates

Yesterday, we were fortunate enough to catch up with some of the key players in the EverQuest franchise team at SOE. EverQuest is nearing its 15th anniversary this week on March 16th, and each of the EQ games in the pantheon have something happening to celebrate. We met with Dave Georgeson, Thom Terrazas, Holly Longdale, and Terry Michaels to chat briefly about what each game has in the works for the coming weeks.

The EverQuest Franchise Update - March 2014

Our friends at SOE give us the lowdown on everything happening in EverQuest, EverQuest 2, and EverQuest Next and Landmark for March 2014.

10 Things I Miss From Older MMOs

Back in 1999, Everquest helped launch the MMO genre. Nearly fifteen years and twenty expansions later, EQ is still chugging along. With the recent announcement of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen led by Brad McQuaid, it’s easy to get nostalgic. In this List, Ryahl takes a Norrathian detour from Final Fantasy XIV. Join in and see ten surprising things he found in a return to Everquest!

Help Choose the Next Race / Class Combo

In preparation for EverQuest's fifteenth anniversary, the team has put a query out to players to help choose the next race / class combo that will be placed in the game. Each week, players will choose their favorite race/class from a preset bracket with winners moving on to the next level.