EverQuest Articles
EverQuest, one of the hallmarks of the MMORPG genre, is turning 21 this year, and the folks at Daybreak are still going strong.
EverQuest players are planning a protest for February 29 on the Zek server. Here are the details.
The Torment of Velious expansion for EverQuest is live today.
What is the best necromancer class in any MMO? This is the discussion going on in our forums right now, so be sure to throw your hat into the ring.
In a forum post, via RPS, it looks like one fan server is going to host a PvE version of Everquest as it was in 1999.
On the weekend of April 27-28, 2019, Daybreak Games and the Comic-Con Museum will be hosting "a special interactive art exhibit, "EverQuest 20: A Living Legend". Viewers of the exhibit will be able to enjoy artwork and other memorabilia from a number of artists that have worked on the game during its first two decades.
Variety has a new interview with EverQuest's Holly Longdale that deals with the franchise as a whole, kind of a "history of" type of thing, but what piqued our interest is the bit about a possible new entry in the EverQuest franchise. "I would never say that there isn't a world where I wouldn't love to do another co-op or even a single-player experience that tells some of these amazing stories that we've fleshed out over 20 years, but the social dependency is who we are." she said.
The EverQuest team has put together an epic celebratory video showcasing the game's history. It's not often in gaming that we celebrate longevity, but this weekend, Daybreak Games has done so in style. What are your favorite EQ memories? Let us know!
On March 16th, EverQuest players will be able to take part in "Preserving the Past" content in honor of the game's 20th anniversary. During the special event, players will explore Gnome Memorial Mountain, a new zone "full of quests, collections and raids for players level 95+". The domed habitat has crested the top of the sea and, according to the blog, gnomes are hard at work ferrying everyone to this "new unexplored domain".
Faceless and Amtrak, rival EverQuest guilds, have 20th anniversary plans on one of the special TLP (time-locked progression) servers. The two will be duking it out head-to-head in an epic battle of dominance. Faceless, however, has ramped up the pre-game smack talk with a new video from none other than Ice-T. It's a profanity-laden bundle of bad-mouthing that is sure to raise the blood pressure of each and every Amtrak member on the planet. It's 20th Anniversary Gold!
The EverQuest site has been updated with a new producer letter to kick off the game's 20th anniversary. "EQ's launch feels a world away now, lest we forget dial-up modems, Y2K panic, CRT monitors, 640jx480, open-book medding, corpse runs, lost corpses, ninja looting, guild drama, dawn of DKP and so many other moment." the blog reads.
Since 1999 EverQuest has brought the world of Norrath to the land of the internet and it’s still going to this day. Enter its 25th expansion, The Burning Lands. With it comes new zones, raids, quests, spells, abilities, collections and perhaps most interesting of all a new Stat, Luck. This is our review of EverQuest: The Burning Lands.
Today's another big day in the life of EverQuest as its twenty-fifth expansion launches. Called The Burning Lands, the expansion that comes with all the goodies players expect including a half dozen new zones to explore complete with raids, dungeons and quests. There are new spells, combat abilities and AAs as well as the new "luck" stat and new collections to amass.
The twenty-fifth expansion to EverQuest is now available for pre-order which also grants players instant access to the beta. Called The Burning Lands, the new expansion will be available on December 11th and will feature expanded lore, the new "luck" stat and six new expansion zones.
Ready for thrills and chills in EverQuest? Look no further than the Nights of the Dead event that is currently running from now through November 6th. "The nights are growing darker and there's an unmistakable spine-tingling chill in the air that can only mean one thing -- Nights of the Dead has returned!"