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User Created Books

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com EverQuest II Correspondent Daniel Stull writes this look at the introduction of user created books into the world of Sony Online Entertainment's popular MMO.

In the upcoming GU45 update, the Everquest II development team has added a new feature of character flair: user-created books. Now, adventurers across Norrath can record their adventures, budding authors may create their own stories, and more! The news post on the EQ2Players website notes a limit, however, to how much can be placed in a book: “There is no limit to the number of pages, but books are limited by the amount of text. A progress bar will let you know how much more text your book can hold as you are typing.” In further good news, for those perfectionists out there, the writing system can auto-save your writing to your hard drive in case of trouble.

Read User Created Books


Jon Wood