
Dark or Light

From the Eyes of a Noob

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com Correspondent Daniel Stull files this report gathering information and advice from long-time EverQuest II players and presenting it through the eyes of a new player.

While the title of this article is a bit long, it explains much. I am essentially a complete newbie when it comes to Everquest 2, having only played the trial when the game was first released, and I only played the first Everquest for a month. I wanted to learn more, and, though Sony's Everquest 2 website provides a lot of information concerning the classes and races of the game, the only real way to get information would be to go to a source – an Everquest 2 player who has enough experience to put things in perspective for me. As a matter of fact, I ended up finding multiple players who gave me a wide range of information, all of it vastly useful.

Read it all here.


Jon Wood