Austin Game Conference Blog: Day 0
Blog Entry #1 by Carolyn Koh
Where the Developers go, the press will follow. The Austin Game Conference opens this week with some nice weather as a cold front moved into Austin the night before. It may still heat up with all the hot air that just arrived… but here’s hoping! ;) At the Airport shuttle counter, I ran into Richard “Jonric” Aioshi of RPGVault. Walking to the Austin Convention Center which was a nifty whole entire city block away from the hotel – yay! Kudos, Mr. Travel Guy! – I met a couple from GamersInfo. After picking up my Press Badge and goodie bag, I met the developer of Morph Vox which is voice altering software that’s targeted towards gamers. In early EQ, a male friend who played a female troll seldom used Teamspeak. He opined that it would break the role-playing immersion, and he enjoyed role-playing greatly. These days, voice altering software such as Morph Vox is available to gamers, and according to its developer Mark Ramirez, Morph Vox is optimized for online games. According to Mark, “It’s been used in WoW, in EQ2, in Eve Online, in fact I use a testimonial from an Eve Online player on my site.” Morph Vox comes with different female and male voice templates – fantasy (dwarven, troll, gnome, etc.) voices and provides a “try before you buy” 7-day trial. I received a trial copy and can’t wait to sound like my grumpy dwarven MALE warrior at my next DDO session… and I think I just made myself more work if Dana starts making “review it” type noises.
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