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Jon Wood Posted:
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Back in November at EVE Online's Fanfest, John Galt Games announced EVE Webwars, a browser-based game where players battle over control of some of the most popular websites out there. Today, Laura Genender gives us a little bit more information on the game.

This past November at the EVE Fanfest, John Galt Games announced upcoming title WebWars, a casual web-based MMO, set in the EVE universe. For the last month I’ve been participating in the game’s closed beta and learning my way around the innovative

EVE WebWars does a fantastic job of taking traditional EVE concepts and graphics to a new and accessable environment. The game places players in a sci-fi world of ship PvP battles and money managing; players choose one of the four EVE races and fight their way to victory in frigates, cruisers, and battleships. In EVE, though, each player is responsible for one ship. Players can own multiple ships, but they can only fly one at a time. In WebWars, players acts as a fleet commander of multiple ships. Your Empire might consist of two frigates, or thousands of battleships.

There are currently six ship types in game, three obtained through ISK (the in-game currency) and three available through WebWars cash. The ISK ships are tech 1 frigates, cruisers, and battleships. Frigates cost 100 ISK and have 10 HP; Cruisers cost 1000 ISK and have 100 HP; and battleships cost 30,000 ISK and have 1000 HP. The micropayment ships are tech 2 frigates, cruisers, and battleships, which have a slight HP advantage over their tech 1 counterparts. Ship damage scales according to size, as well – but it’s not all that simple!

Read it all here.


Jon Wood