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PvP Guide Part One

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace has written part one of a basic guide to PvP in EVE Online, giving players not familiar with the system a few tips and poinnters for survival.

I may claim to be a deity of many things, but PVP is not one of them. Despite that, I've picked up a lot of useful information in my time and decided to put together a selection of PVP tips for this article. It's not a definitive list, but some of the main things that I think are important to know for running a PVP gang, and mostly centred on the small scale warfare I've been involved with in the last few years. Let's open with another one of the golden rules of EVE:

Fly what you can afford

Not just a PVP tip; it's difficult enough to make money from your victories, and flying ships and fittings that you can easily replace will help you PVP for much longer.

Read PvP Guide Part One


Jon Wood