Etrian Mystery Dungeon Overview
Etrian Mystery Dungeon is a turn-based RPG roguelike mix of Etrian Odyssey and Mystery Dungeon into a blend of infinite dungeons , exploration, and traditional RPG party mechanics. The game, while turn-based, emphasizes action. Players will make their way through randomly generated dungeons with the four party members of their choice out of all the ones they have recruited and customized. These party members will have familiar Etrian Odyssey classes, like Runemaster and Landsknecht and Mystery Dungeon classes as well. The dungeon exploration will require strategic battling and exploration, but will be greatly rewarded.
- Two Series, One Dungeon Exploring Adventure | Blending classes and adventure from two major series, Etrian Odyssey and Mystery Dungeon, the dungeon exploration RPG offers randomly-generated, multi-floor dungeons to take on, finish, and obtain treasure.
- Infinite Dungeons to Replay | Each time players enter the same dungeon, it will have changed. The monsters will also become stronger on successive playthroughs of each dungeon.
- Turn-Based Action, Custom Heroes | Players will choose from 10 different class types, each with their own skill trees and abilities. Heroes may be customized along with their skills.