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Embers Adrift

Stormhaven Studios


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Embers Adrift Articles

Embers Adrift's Last Update of 2022 Has Fixes and Player Experience Improvements. And Bears.

The final update of 2022 for Embers Adrift is out. Stormhaven Studios continues working on improvements and fixes to show out the year.

Embers Adrift Posts November State of the Game, Recaps Content Changes and Events

Embers Adrift has been out for more than a month now, and according to Stormhaven Studio's latest state of the game, a lot of changes have hit the game, with more events on the way.

Embers Adrift Adds Server Memory, and Preps for Final Content Patch of 2022

This week's Embers Adrift update is mostly fixes, along with doubling server memory to help stability. The team also previews next week's final patch of 2022.

Embers Adrift Review: A Stormy Experience

Embers Adrift is the new kid on the block, having released after years in development last month by developer Stormhaven Studios. But does it stack up well, and is it worth the asking price and recurring subscription? Here's our review.

Embers Adrift Patch Fixes Huge Memory Leak, Adds New Dungeon, and More

Today's Embers Adrift update fixes a major memeory leak, adds a new dungeon, makes Emberdrifts more available, and fixes bugs.

Embers Adrift Team Recaps October, From A Stable Launch, to New Dungeons, and an Eventful Halloween

Embers Adrift launched last month, and now the team at Stormhaven Studios has a recap of how the first month of official live service went, from a smooth launch, several new dungeons, to an eventful Halloween.

Embers Adrift Is Hosting Its First Halloween Event, Streamer Marathon

Embers Adrift is ramping up getting their MMO in front of people, kicking off a weekend-long Halloween stream with multiple content creators. The streams will run nonstop across Twitch from now through Sunday evening. This coincides with their first ever live Halloween event running now through November 3rd.

Embers Adrift Review In Progress

Embers Adrift just launched and we're here to give you our first initial thoughts of gameplay (as well as a little sass - that's complimentary). See how Emily is faring in our Review in Progress.

Embers Adrift Might Not Be The MMO For Me, And That's Okay

Bradford has been playing Embers Adrift since its alpha backer launch last week, and has come away with one very clear opinion: it's just not for him.

Indie MMORPG Embers Adrift Officially Launches - Team Experiences a Smooth Release

Stormhaven Studios' flagship title Embers Adrift has officially released today, and thus far the experience has been smooth sailing. Contrary to multiple MMORPG releases of the past, servers are stable, there are no discernible queue times, and the starter areas are full of new players.

Embers Adrift Live Today For Alpha Backers Ahead Of Full Launch On October 15th

Alpha testers can now jump into the new MMORPG from Stormhaven Studios, Embers Adrift, finally able to see the live game come to fruition. This is ahead of the full launch which takes place on Friday.

Embers Adrift Drops Story Trailer to Bring Players Up to Speed on Newhaven Ahead of Launch

If you're looking forward to the getting into this new indie PvE Group-Based MMORPG, then you may want to know the story behind the game. Check out the latest trailer that Stormhave Studios dropped!

Group-Based PvE MMORPG Embers Adrift is Launching October 15th 2022

Are you ready for some group-based PvE action? Indie MMORPG Embers Adrift is hoping that you are. A year after the game opened up their preorders, the team at Stormhaven Studios is now saying their game is ready.

Embers Adrift Community Planning Welcome for New Players in This Weekend's Worldbreaker Stress Test

With Embers Adrift on the verge of opening up the servers for another huge Worldbreaker stress test soon, the community just may turn it into a little bit of a welcome party.

Embers Adrift  Worldbreaker Stress Test Happening August 13th, and is Open for Signups

Stormhaven Studios needs some help on a larger scale, and is holding a Worldbreaker stress test for Embers Adrift on August 13th. Signups are open for new interested players, while previous testers will be automatically invited.