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Ember Sword

Bright Star Studios | Official Site


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Ember Sword's Technical Test: Our 'What's it All About' Preview | MMONFT

Whether you're a fan of blockchain and NFT's or, more commonly, if you're hesitant to trust anything blockchain related, even you may be curious to find out what state Ember Sword is in. This Technical Test is only available for landowners and badge holders, but luckily, we were able to pop into the game for a time to see what state Ember Sword is in during their first public test.

How Will NFTs Affect End Game in Ember Sword?

In most MMOs, end game consists of a gear treadmill where players continuously pick up new and more powerful gear, but in Ember Sword the most sought-after gear is all on the blockchain and has no competitive advantage. How will players stay invested in Ember Swords end game without a stat-based gear grind?

Does Gameplay Matter in Blockchain Games?

In this episode of MMONFT, we dive into everything game related in Ember Sword with Bright Star Studios founder and Ember Sword executive producer Loren Roosendaal. 

Over 14 Thousand Applicants Apply for Land Ownership in Ember Sword

Six days are left to get your application in if you're interested in purchasing land in the upcoming blockchain sandbox MMORPG, Ember Sword. In a tweet from CEO of Bright Star Studios, Mark Laursen, more than 79 million dollars has been pledged so far with over 14 thousand applications received.