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Elite: Dangerous' Known Issues Being Worked On

No date as of yet

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Frontier is currently working on a patch to resolve a myriad of known issues in Elite: Dangerous.

The issues involve overlapping hotspots commodity distribution, specifically the impact of a patch which reduced the effects of multiple overlapping hotspots. The team is currently looking at data to best determine how to attack this.

Tritium rarity has also seen a negative impact. The team states that any impact to make this rarer was not their intent. Additionally, the limited purchasing on fleet carriers, now limited to a max of two billion credits, was omitted from the previous patch notes

Also, console players were addressed,

“A small update will take place tomorrow [June 21] around midday for Xbox and Playstation users. This update won't contain any noticeable changes, but lays the groundwork for future bug fixes.”

You can check out the full forum post here which outlines all the known issues. Do note, we don’t have any dates yet for when these known issues will be addressed and deployed.  The next big expansion, dubbed Odyssey, is set to release next year in 2021.