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Elder Scrolls Online

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Elder Scrolls Online Reviews

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Review

The Elder Scrolls Online follows up last year's excellent Necrom story with Gold Road, taking players to the West Weald this time around. How does it stack up, and is it worth your time?

The Elder Scrolls Online Necrom Review

The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Chapter arrived earlier this month on PC. With the various new features, ZeniMax has introduced two new zones, two new companions, a new trial, and a new class. Is working for the Daedric Prince of Forbidden Knowledge enough to keep players engaged? Check out Kevin's final review.

The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Review

The Elder Scrolls Online's yearly chapter has now been released on all its platforms, and Bradford has finished putting it through its paces. How does High Isle stack up? Here is our review.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood Review

The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood is a return to form for the ZeniMax team, but how does the expansion, including the major additions of companions and a return to Oblivion hold up?

The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Review

The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor takes players back to Skyrim, adding a new main story, changes to the vampire skill line and a new Antiquities system. How does the latest Chapter in the ESO story hold up? Here's our review.

Vivec Needs You, Mortal - Our Morrowind Review

Elder Scrolls Online, and I make no secrets about this, is my current favorite MMORPG on the market. But I’ve loved the regular quarterly DLC that comes with the ESO Plus subscription. Can Morrowind, ESO’s first chapter, truly make spending the extra $40 or more a worthwhile leap? In short, if you love story and ESO’s best adventuring content – yes. This is our Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind review.

One Year Later, Ten Times Better

It’s been a year since Elder Scrolls Online first launched. And while it was a rather contentious game, with hype levels through the roof, I reviewed ESO here on the site. In short, I liked a great deal about it, but knew it had some kinks to iron out. Well, in the year since launch the team at Zenimax has been working feverishly like a Khajit slave to improve their flagship MMO.

Very Fun, But Not Perfect

Elder Scrolls Online is one of the most anticipated MMOs in recent memory. The stakes have been high for developer Zenimax Online since the game’s announcement. How do you even begin to take an epic single-player game and turn it into an MMO? Its missteps and hardships have been well publicized, but is there a solid game underneath all the forum-based ire? Read on to see what we think in our official review.