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Elder Scrolls Online

Bethesda Softworks | Official Site


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Elder Scrolls Online Articles

Reveling in the Combat

As gamers, combat is an integral part of our happiness with the MMOs we play. Well done combat is equally responsible for a game's success. As part of our ongoing coverage of The Elder Scrolls Online, we take a look at its combat. See what we discovered during our hands on time. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Making Your Character Your Own

Part of the hands on experience with The Elder Scrolls Online involved character creation. In our latest article covering our time with TESO, we take a look at that and more. Read on!

The Comprehensive Preview

We spent three hours last week holed up playing Elder Scrolls Online. During that time, we learned so much about the game it's going to make your head spin. Read on for our comprehensive 3,000 word preview and then share your thoughts in the comments below.

Stuff We Didn't Play - PVP and Social Integration

Though we got three hours with Elder Scrolls Online last week, there was still a lot we didn't even touch. Luckily Zenimax covered a great deal of it in a post-demo Q&A and presentation. Read on for the details.

Zenimax' MMO Philosophy

Last week during a special MMO-enthusiast press day at Zenimax Online Studios, we learned a lot about what ZOS hope's Elder Scrolls Online will be to gamers. In this article we recap the team's opening presentation which focuses on their core philosophy and design decisions.

The Templar Experience

During last week's visit to Elder Scrolls Online in Maryland, we got to try two classes: The Templar and the Dragonknight. Here then are Garrett Fuller's impressions of time spent with the former.

Giving It that Elder Scrolls Feel

The Elder Scrolls Online has generated a metric ton of conversation here and around the web. One of the questions that comes up frequently is "What does ESO have to do to make it more Elder Scrolls-ish?" In today's column, we examine the factors that we think must be included. See if you agree!

Pre First Impressions

Ripper X had the chance to chat with Matt Firor from Zenimax and watch the top secret TESO presentation, while there was no video or photos allowed, Ripper did take some notes and wanted to share them with you guys! If you have any questions, or comments, please post them below. More Information on TESO: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/821/The-Elder-Scrolls-Online.html Ripper's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/TMRipper Music Credits: Laurent Koleda Jason Truby

E3 Interview with Matt Firor

Elder Scrolls Online was at E3 2012 in a big way this year, and our own Hillary "Pokket" Nicole caught up with the Game Director Matt Firor (of DAOC fame) to chat about everything from the PVP to the class progression, and nostalgia for past titles in the series.

E3 Interview with Game Director Matt Firor

Elder Scrolls Online was at E3 2012 in a big way this year, and our own Hillary "Pokket" Nicole caught up with the Game Director Matt Firor (of DAOC fame) to chat about everything from the PVP to the class progression, and nostalgia for past titles in the series.

You Got Elder Scrolls in my MMO

During this week's E3 convention, our team had the opportunity to check out a developer presentation about Zenimax Studios' The Elder Scrolls Online. We've got a lot to say about one of the most hotly discussed games of the recent past. Check it out and then let us know what you think!

Zeni Max Releases New Trailer for E3

Zeni Max Studios has released a brand new trailer from The Elder Scrolls Online that is currently in development. The trailer was released during this week's E3 convention in Los Angeles, California.

Team Answers Fan Questions

GameInformer.com has scored an interview with members of the development team behind The Elder Scrolls Online. Community members were allowed to submit questions that the team took on in this new podcast.

Targeting the MMO Market

The Elder Scrolls Online has taken the MMO community by storm with both supporters and detractors weighing in on the discussion. Devs are aimed squarely at this particular market. We take a look at why that's the goal and some of the challenges devs will face. Read on!

Three-Faction PVP a la DAOC

After Zenimax's announcement last week that The Elder Scrolls Online really is going to happen, the MMO-niverse has been packed with fans discussing TES. We've got our own unique take on the game and invite you to check it out.