
Dark or Light

The Litany of the Dead Part One

Jon Wood Posted:
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Turbine's Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach will soon be releasing "The Litany of the Dead Part One" onto their live servers. As a teaser, they have released a summary of some of the various and sundry adventures that await players. The list was too long to publish here, so follow the link below to read it all.


The Litany of the Dead Part One will be released to live servers this August. Find out what horrors await adventurers in The Necropolis.

Necropolis (CR 5-6)

Several centuries ago, the Blood of Vol splintered, and a group of cultists formed an off-shoot that has, until now, remained a mystery. The abbot serving as the leader of this group had great aspirations and sought to usurp Vol's place and become a godlike being himself. In order to preserve his fragile existence through the ages, he invoked dark rituals to become an immortal lich. His goal was to create a powerful artifact, a "Litany of the Dead" that would herald a mythic age when the abbot would rule. To do this he enlisted the aid of his three most-faithful servants -- the vampires he called his Black Prophets.

Each vampire was tasked with the creation of a part of the Litany. Each chapter contained the magic necessary for the Abbot's ascension. Until the chapters are finished, he told them, you must remain locked away. But now, the first chapter (the "Heretical Path") is complete and the Black Prophet known as Brother Cuore is free to roam the night once more.

The Silver Flame and the Emerald Claw both have a keen interest in these events. While the groups are openly hostile to one another, a truce was called to fight the threat that the Black Abbot poses. To this end, they seek to capture the Litany and use it against the lich when his mausoleum becomes unlocked.

Tomb of the Crimson Heart

Brother Cuore was a powerful alchemist in life and used these chambers to keep prisoners and subjects for his experiments. The Silver Flame attempted to storm the tomb and destroy Cuore's guardians but they were taken as prisoner... there's a slim chance that they're still alive. Followers of Cuore and the Black Abbot are here patrolling the tomb and "caring" for the prisoners. Ghouls and ghasts haunt the dark corridors, on the prowl for would-be escapees.

Tomb of the Sanguine Heart

The Necropolis is old and decrepit and requires constant upkeep. The lich's servants employ mindless zombies for the task and the Sanguine Heart serves as a repository and "breeding ground" for this kind of cheap labor.

Read it all here.


Jon Wood