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Dual Universe

Novaquark | Official Site


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Dual Universe Gets New PVP Trailer

The sci-fi MMORPG Dual Universe has released a brand new PVP trailer today that showcases the depth and scale of space combat.

Dual Universe - Dev Diary Alpha 2 | July

The latest Dual Universe developer update has been published, this time with news about the July 11th start of Alpha 2 with new additions and improvements. Most notably players will notice several quality of life improvements that have been in development since the end of Alpha 1.

Community-Made Outposts Show the Power of Creation

Novaquark has released a brand new trailer to showcase some of the amazing things players have created in the voxel-based MMO, Dual Universe. Players have taken part in creating a variety of outposts to show off the proprietary voxel engine that is as simple or as complex as a player has time and inclination for.

Latest Dev Diary Update Explores Pre-Alpha Testing & More

The latest Dual Universe Dev Diary Update has been published that gives viewers an inside look as to what the Novaquark team has been busy working on during the month that was. As the project is technically in "feature freeze" mode for the time being, the video update provides "debriefing" of the prealpha event that took place with over 1000 players taking part.

Pre-Alpha Tutorials Provide Instruction in the Basics

The Dual Universe team has published four brand new videos to give folks a look at a number of systems available in the pre-alpha version of the game. You can get a look at "atmospheric ship building, interactive elements, outposts & territories and tool/UI basics.

Pre-Alpha Event Sees 2500 Players Taking Part

Novaquark has opened up its first pre-alpha event for KickStarter backers at the Gold+ level. Over 2500 players check into the game to see how the "Single-Shard Cluster" system works.

Alioth's Moon to Alioth Uncut Flight Pre-Alpha Video

The Dual Universe team has posted the latest monthly update video that features pre-alpha footage of an uncut space flight. In addition, the DU KickStarter page has a more detailed written update.

Exclusive Multiplayer Video

Novaquark is releasing a new video to show you one of the exciting aspects of Dual Universe: the fact that it is possible for players to share the same spaceship at the same time, also known as multiplayer crew. The gameplay possibilities are important because it will allow players to specialize on various aspect of the ship piloting and management, creating dedicated teams working together.

DevDiary - Spaceship Building Gameplay

Dual Universe is a continuous Single-Shard sandbox MMORPG taking place in a multi-planets Sci-Fi world with player-driven in-game economy, politics, trade and warfare. Players can freely modify the world by creating structures, space ships or orbital stations, giving birth to empires and civilizations. This video is part of a series that showcases the innovative technology behind Dual Universe. Stay tuned! Official website: http://www.dualthegame.com Join the community: - on our forum

Massively Multiplayer Server Technology

Video explaining how the Dual Universe server structure will appear.