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Dreadnought Articles

Dreadnought Review - A Welcome Break from 'Real World' Ship Battlers

Games like World of Tanks, Star Conflict, and War Thunder are out there with bigger crowds of people to play with. Sometimes that is what drives people to or from a game. Dreadnought does bring its own features to the ship battle game type though.

Dreadnaught Has Set Sail on the Sea of Steam Release

Dreadnought has set sail on the sea of Steam release as of today. To celebrate the tactical shooter where characters pilot massive capital ships, Six Foot has released a brand new animated trailer. In addition, today's launch brings a new update to players that includes an enhanced UI and localized versions in both Chinese and Russian.

Reworked Tech Tree Debuts in Latest Update

Dreadnought has been updated with patch v1.11 that brings an overhauled tech tree into the game. Major shifts came about as a direct result of player feedback and provide players an opportunity to identify and work towards the ships and modules they want most. In addition, the Naga ship has been added as well as secondary loadouts and a number of bug fixes and feature enhancements.

It Hits the Right Notes for a Co-Op Focused Fragfest

This week, Dreadnought left dry dock and warped onto Playstation 4. This is where GameSpace.com and MMORPG.com’s co-op aficionados Matt and Dame took it out for a spin. These two have been gaming together for more than fifteen years over, spanning multiple genres of games. It was only a matter of time before they got to space combat!