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Dragons and Titans

Versus Evil | Official Site


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Dragons and Titans Articles

Microtransactions End, Game Content Available for One Price

Wyrmbyte has announced that it is doing away with the microtransaction model for its MOBA, Dragons & Titans. The initiative is a way to combat the "stigmata" regarding Pay to Win. The entire game and all of its content, the "Titan Pass", can be purchased for $19.99.

New Update - Act 4: The Titan's Hand

Wyrmbyte's freemium MOBA is enjoying a few new updates including game mode and queue time improvements, a new weapon, new dragon, and new story-drive Act. Additionally, match rewards have increased 30% (on average) per match.

Latest Patch Brings Quality of Life Improvements

Wyrmbyte has let us know that a new patch has been applied to the MOBA, "Dragons and Titans". Many of the updates bring quality of life improvements into the game including minimized queue times and better match rewards. In addition, a new story-driven content expansion has been added called "Act IV: The Titan's Hand". Titan's Hand is solo content to further expand on the game's lore.

A Wing and a Prayer

Hey, you! Have you ever thought about how awesome it would be to ride a dragon? No? Me, neither! That sh*t is terrifying! I remember watching Reign of Fire a lot as a kid, so not only did the idea seem foolhardy, but they also turned Gerard Butler into a pile of cooked man-steak. Whoops, spoiler alert (not really, it came out in 2002).

Hellfire Starter Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has partnered with the folks behind Dragons & Titans to give away 20 Hellfire Starter Packs for the F2P game available on Steam.