
Dark or Light

Newsletter Highlights

Craig McGregor Posted:
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Codemasters recently published a newsletter containing many updates:

Feature of the week - Chat system
Communication is crucial in an MMORPG. After all, if you can't talk to friends what's the point of the MM in MMORPG! Dragon Empires features an excellent and detailed chat system that lets players talk and shout locally, chat with their guild mates as well as send messages to friends anywhere in the world. Further, any player can create a custom chat channel and let people search for and join these channels from anywhere in the world. You can create a private channel for political discussions or to hatch your next evil scheme.

Dev chats
There will be a Stratics House of Commons developer chat on Monday the 24th of November at 8pm GMT and 8pm PST. To learn more about Stratics chats head to http://chat.stratics.com. On the night connect to irc.stratics.com #de-devchat to take part. The chat will be moderated.

Hot news
- Dev diary by world builder Scott Cowie.
New story - "The Aspect War", on the origin of our five dragons and how they got their animal form.
- New
screenshots and concept art images from last weeks press release are now available.
- How many characters per server should Dragon Empires have? Vote



Craig McGregor