
Dark or Light

Dev Chat Log & Empire Echoes

Richard Cox Posted:
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The logs from the 33rd and 34th Dev Chats have been added, you can read them by clicking on the links.  If you've missed any of the previous 32, you can find the complete list here.

In the newest Empire Echoes article Robc talks about city capture:

City take over, the facts! Part I.

As long time fans of DE we have speculated for years on the city take over system. And we have clamored loudly year after year for more and more information. Cal invited me on the forums to abuse him for information? so I took him up on it and chose this as my first topic for exploration in depth. True to his word, Cal spent a good deal of time with me discussing the current state of the code on city takeover. Please disregard all of the old dev information on city take over, it is outdated and may be wrong. No, it is wrong! Even some recent articles that I have seen have simply got it wrong.

You can read the full article here, and visit the official Dragon Empires site here.


Richard Cox