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Diablo 3 Articles

Season 8 Rewards Previewed

The Diablo 3 community site has been updated with a forward look at the Season 8 rewards that is scheduled to begin soon. Amonth other things, players will get the next piece of the Conqueror's Set, a new portrait frame, a new set of wings inspired by Diablo 2's Andariel that even yells "DIE, MAGGOT!" when equipped.

Season 7 is a Go-Go-Go!

Diablo III players who love seasonal play will be happy to hear that Season 7 has officially begun. During the journey, players will need to create a specially created or converted character (stripped of everything and reduced to level 1) under the 'Season" tag. Starting at level 1, players will work through objectives all the way through the level cap that will see them earn a complete gear set, a seasonal pet, and a new portrait frame.

New Torment Levels, Bounties, Overhauled Legendaries Arrive

Diablo 3 has been updated to v2.4.2 that bring three brand new Torment levels to the game as well as several class updates, legendary item overhauls, campaign and adventure mode improvements and much more.

New Difficulty Levels Anchor PTR Patch 2.4.2

The Diablo 3 site has been updated with a brief preview of the latest build currently on the Public Test Realm. Of most significant note is the addition of new difficulty levels (XI-XIII) for those seeking an even greater challenge.

Season 7 To Begin On August 5th With New Rewards

Blizzard has announced that Season 6 in Diablo 3 is over and that Season 7 will begin on August 5th. Developers have revealed new rewards for the upcoming season that include a new portrait frame, new pieces for Conqueror's cosmetic set and a unique cosmetic pet for those who complete the entire Season journey. As usual, players completing the season will receive a full set of armor for their specific class.

Season 6 Ends July 22nd, Season 7 Begins August 5th

Blizzard has posted notification on the official site that Diablo 3's Season 6 will be ending on July 22nd in all regions. After a two week break, Season 7 will begin on August 5th.

Need a Job? Blizzard Hiring Diablo Series Game Director

It seems that this year's Blizzcon may have some good news for fans of the Diablo series with the new job posting on the corporate site that seeks a Game Director. The project is considered an "unannounced project - Diablo. It is fascinating, however, to wonder where the current(?) Diablo 3 game director, Josh Mosqueira, is and whether or not he's still with the company.

Next Patch to Add New Torment for Players

Diablo III players looking for additional challenges will be happy to hear that Torment XI, Torment XII and Torment XIII are incoming with the v2.4.2 patch that is now live on the Public Test Realm.

A Comprehensive Guide to v2.4.1, Leveling, Builds, Etc.

The Diablo 3 site has been updated with a new compilation guide to all things v2.4.1, considered by many to be a game changer. In addition to gems being updated and overhauled, players can now search out and find new transmog items and pets as well as portrait frames and other things.

Time to Hunt for Treasure - Patch v2.4.1 Arrives in NA

North American Diablo 3 players will automatically have their game updated to v2.4.1 on launching Battle.net. The latest update brings some pretty neat cosmetic items into the game for players to find as they journey through the game world.

Season 6 to Kick Off on April 29th

Blizzard has revealed a quick look at the upcoming Diablo 3 Season 6 with its objectives and rewards. Season 6 is set to begin on Friday, April 29th at 5:00 pm Pacific (8:00 pm Eastern) in NA; 5:00 pm CEST in the EU and 5:00 pm KST in Asia.

Pets, Cosmetic Items, Transmog Gear Coming in v2.4.1

The Diablo III blog has been updated with a number of cosmetic items that will be heading into the game with the v2.4.1 update. Players can look forward to new pets, transmog items and other collectibles of varying rarity.

Season 5 to End Soon -- What Happens to Your Seasonal Chars?

The Diablo 3 team is ready to unleash Season 6 but not before Season 5 comes to an end. For players who have not experienced season game play, an informational video has been released to give the wrap report. Check it out and be prepared!

Season 6 Lands On PTR

A short notice has been posted on the Diablo 3 forums to let players know that Season 6 is now live on Public Test Realm. It is possible that Season 6 will be made live in mid-April if Blizzard sticks to seasons running about 3 months.

1 to 70 in 33 Seconds! It CAN Be Done

A Diablo 3 player has taken power leveling to new heights of speed by taking his character from level 1 to level 70 in 33 seconds. Of course, there was a certain level of preparation and the need for a full party of three other players, but hey -- 33 seconds is 33 seconds after all is said and done. The proof, they say, is in a picture so check out the video below.