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Diablo 3 Articles

The Darkening of Tristram Anniversary Event to Return on January 1st

The Diablo 3 site has been updated with a reminder to players that the Darkening of Tristram event will be making a comeback on January 1st. The event first debuted in January 2017 for the Diablo 1 20th Anniversary and has been deemed an annual event. This year, it begins on the first and ends on the last day of the month so it's worth check in to grab the exclusive event rewards including the Butcher pet, portrait frames, achievements and a chance at that ever elusive Godly Plate of the Whale!

We Think Blizz Wanted to Announce World of Diablo. Here's Why

During last month’s Blizzcon, we have been pondering the World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth expansion announcement. Several new features were revealed, however, none of the new systems came with much attendant detail. From our view, the rushed feel of the Battle for Azeroth announcement suggests that this was not exactly what Blizzard wanted to reveal during Blizzcon.

Season 12 Previewed - New Portraits, Wings & More

The Diablo 3 team has a new preview of what players can expect to find in Season 12 when it launches in the coming weeks. Players will be able to earn the Chest and Gloves from the Conqueror Set as well as "High Heavens themed" wings and portrait frames.

Hack & Slash a Jack O'Lantern for This Year's Carving Contest

The Diablo 3 team just sent out an update that the annual Blizzard Pumpkin Carving Contest is underway. Fans are invited to "unleash your magical axes, psi blades, sharpened claws and other creative cutlery to carve up Blizzard-themed Jack O'Lanterns". Five winners will be chosen to receive $60 in Blizzard Balance to use however they choose in the Blizzard Shop.

Blizz Looking to Hire Production Director with 'Massive Multiplayer Game Dev Experience'

We already know that Blizzard has no plans to make any significant (or any at all) announcements at this year's Blizzcon with regard to the Diablo franchise. However, a new posting on the site for a Production Director has caught our eye. The job looks for a candidate "to bring the Diablo franchise into the future". While the usual requirements for the job are fairly standard, the "Pluses" section is what has caught our eye.

No Announcements at Blizzcon but 'We're Hard at Work on the Future of Diablo'

The Diablo III team has posted an unusual message on the game's official forums to let fans and players know that no new announcements with regard to Diablo III will be made at Blizzcon 2017. The game will be on the showfloor and there will be a couple of panels for attendees, but that is the sum total of its presence at the annual show. Before becoming filled with despair, however, the team also let everyone know that "we're hard at work on the future of Diablo".

Try the XBox One Ultimate Evil Edition Free This Weekend

XBox Live Gold players can try out Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition for free this weekend. From Thursday, July 27th through Monday, July 31st, Gold players can download and play the console exclusive edition.

Former Telltale Vet Harrison G. Pink to Head Up Diablo Team

Blizzard has hired former Telltale developer Harrison G. Pink to head up the Diablo team going forward. Pink had worked with Telltale on its Walking Dead series and Tales from the Borderlands. More recently, he had been part of Hangar 13 Games working on Mafia 3 and the Stones Unturned DLC.

Double XP Weekend Begins Today

Blizzard is handing out a very rare double XP weekend to Diablo 3 players as an apology for a recent gem exploit that has since been hotfixed. The double XP event runs from today beginning at 5:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 pm Eastern and runs through Monday, July 17th at 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern.

A Peek Ahead at Season 11

The Diablo 3 site has been updated with a sneak peek at Season 11 which is scheduled to begin on Thursday, July 20th. Necromancers, in particular, will be ready to jump into Season play to score the Bones of Rathma set for completing all of Season 11's requirements. In addition, players can get hold of a new portrait frame and pet as well as the pants and boots cosmetic armor pieces from the Conqueror Set.

Rise of the Necromancer is Well Worth the Price of Admission

I'm going to get this out there right off the bat: I wish that Blizzard would start developing Diablo 4 or at least give us a new expansion. I love the series but it's time to move past Diablo 3. That said, Rise of the Necromancer is a lot of fun and it's made playing D3 fun again. To say that I haven't gotten my money's worth would be untrue and I've totally found that I've extracted $15 worth of fun already.

Rise of the Necromancer Now Out in North America

The Diablo 3 add-on, Rise of the Necromancer, is now live in North America. EU players will see the new update go live at approximately 11:00 pm CEST. The Rise of the Necromancer DLC features new zones, updates to Challenge Rifts and, of course, the new Necromancer class.

New Zones Previewed, Necromancer Lore Revealed

The Diablo 3 site has a pair of articles of keen interest to folks looking forward to the imminent release of the Rise of the Necromancer add-on. The first provides a look at the history of Necromancers and how they fit into the overall series universe. The second gives a brief look at the new areas coming to D3 for everyone when the update goes live.

Rise of the Necromancer Coming June 27 for $15

We finally have the release date and cost for the Diablo 3 add-on, Rise of the Necromancer. The new content will be released on June 27th for all platforms and will cost $15. In addition, PS4 and XB1 players can get the D3 Eternal Collection that includes the base game, Reaper of Souls and the Rise of the Necromancer. XBox Gold & PlayStation Plus members can grab it for an "introductory" price of $40, meaning a short term price.

Necromancer Sets & Legendary Items Profiled

The Diablo 3 site has been updated with a brief video and preview of the Necromancer set and legendary items coming to the game when the Necromancer pack is released sometime in the near(ish) future. There will be five unique Necromancer armor / weapon sets and a number of unique legendary items as well.