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MMOFTW - Devilian is Dead

This week's MMOFTW covers the five biggest stories in the MMO world for the week of January 20th. Devilian is sunsetting, Camelot Unchained has monies, WoW scales its levels, Bless commits to Steam Early Access soon, and Rift gets a subscription only server.

Release Impressions - TheHiveLeader

TheHiveLeader hops back into Devilian for it's North American release. Have his views changed? Probably... Devilian Online is a Free to Play Action MMORPG in the style of Diablo or Torchlight. Take advantage of the unique transformation system to turn your soul into several powerful versions. Fight back evil by unleashing the devil inside you. Hunt down the best gear possible, trade it in the economy, or use it to grow your character in the unique mastery system. For more on Devilian, visi

Beta PVP with Trion Worlds! (Stream VOD)

Devilian Beta PVP with Trion Worlds' Scapes and Drewcifer! Come hang out, learn about the MMOARPG, and watch MMORPG.com's Bill Murphy die a lot.

Developer Diary: Embrace the Darkness

Fusing the best features of MMOs and ARPGs, Devilian offers challenging, fast-paced combat, rich character customization, and dynamic dungeons throughout a vast and vibrant persistent world. Sign up for Beta to join the fray and unleash the devil within!

Devilian Alpha - Playthrough #2 with RipperX!

Devilian Online is a Free to Play Action MMORPG in the style of Diablo or Torchlight. Take advantage of the unique transformation system to turn your soul into several powerful versions. Fight back evil by unleashing the devil inside you. Hunt down the best gear possible, trade it in the economy, or use it to grow your character in the unique mastery system. More information on the game's North American release is expected to be forthcoming. Ripper's goal is to get to the end game and PVP

Alpha Gameplay - Evoker 1-14 - Stream VOD

The NDA for Action MMORPG Devilian was stealth lifted by Trion and Ginno last night, so Bill woke up early to play an Evoker from the beginning for you! His Founder's pack was paid for by his own hard earned cashola, not provided by Trion.

Thai Client First Impressions - TheHiveLeader

TheHiveLeader jumps into the THAI (it's Thai, THANKS COMMENTS!) version of Trion's upcoming import, Devilian. How did it fair? Let's find out! You are the last vanguard of Nala, a half-devil hero fighting to save your world from a fallen god. Sign up for Beta and join thousands of players in this vast, persistent-world action RPG. Spread your wings, sharpen your steel, and unleash the devil within! For more on Devilian, visit: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/1300/Devilian.html F

LockSixTime - A Look at Trion's New MMO

Take a look at Lock's first steps inside of Trion's upcoming imported MMORPG, Devilian. Lock hopped into the Thai version of the game (which is not necessarily 100% indicative of the build Trion will bring us), to poke around and take a look at how it plays. Watch on for his first impressions! Subscribe! - http://www.youtube.com/mmorpgcom Follow Lock! - http://www.youtube.com/locksixtime Be sure to visit our sponsors - http://www.maingear.com