Clash of Kings is ready to let state's rights rule in an all new Season 2 event called State Conquest. During the event, sixteen US states will duke it out in 10 vs 10 battles for supremacy, complete with full P6 castles. Those not taking direct part in the battle can help out during a special web event to place suppliers for their favorites.
For the duration of the Clash of Kings event, each state's fans can connect with the representative team's Facebook page to learn more about the team members and the strategies they'll employ to claim glory. Players will also be able to wager on their favorite team's success. Rewards, if applicable, will be collected when the State Conquest event ends.
Fans can take a more active role to support their favorite Clash of Kings team. To do so, they can place Suppliers to assist their in battle. The process is simple: Click the battle map; select the state to support; hit "Vote" and done! Once the fight is complete, rewards, if applicable, will be made available the very next day. Just remember that there's no winning if there's no wager!
Winning states automatically take over the territory of the losers, though fans can help those states become independent by continuing to place Suppliers on the map. The more that are placed, the better the chances of independence and fans will be able to win "independency rewards" for helping out.
Keeping track of the progress of the 10 vs 10 matches can be done by heading to the interface and clicking "Knockout" under each team's name. This will show the status of all past and current battles, as well as provide a peek at the territory control.
The Clash of Kings Season 2 State Conquest event runs through June 19th, so log in and defend your state's honor!