Soldiers' offensive capabilities are truly overwhelming in their breadth and lethality. The "Triarius Strike" is the basic attack move that Soldiers can perform to inflict extra damage on their enemies. When you're hoping to inflict massive damage, however, the "Soldier Combo" is what you need to queue up--the animation alone is worth it. "Charge" allows your Soldier to move rapidly into battle, while "Knockdown" sends your opponent sprawling in the dirt. "Nerve Strike" is another particularly devastating attack that Soldiers can learn fairly early; it reduces an enemy's combat abilities for a short time, in addition to inflicting initial damage. Soldiers who have reached level 20 can perform "Silencing Strike," an assault move that, in addition to being quite powerful, also has the ability to disrupt spellcasting. "Plumbatae," which is part of the "Shields" feat tree, allows Soldiers to throw several small projectiles at their adversary. "Armor Breaking" is part of the "2-Handed Weapons" feat tree and is such a powerful attack that it reduces your opponent's armor rating.
As mentioned, Soldiers are capable of withstanding assaults that would devastate any other warrior. "Clipeatus Defense" is the basic defensive buff Soldiers can learn to give them increased ability in using a shield to block their opponents' attacks. When battling ranged combatants, "Shot Defense" is an invaluable feat, as it increases your chances of parrying incoming missiles. "Focused Blocking," part of the "Shields" feat tree, gives your Soldier an even more significant chance of blocking an imminent attack. "Focused Parrying," on the other hand, part of the "2-Handed Weapons" feat tree, enhances your ability to block imminent attacks when you're not using a shield. "Iron Will" makes your Soldier impervious to all movement-impairing spells that might be cast against you, while "Cage of Steel" grants you a buff that increases your chance of parrying attacks from all directions rather than just those coming straight at you.
The strategic value of Soldiers cannot be overstated. "Challenge," for instance, allows your Soldier to taunt the enemies of Rome and force their hand, luring them into a battle on the terrain of your choosing. The true tactical value of playing a Soldier, however, might be in the ability Soldiers have to inspire their troops to greater heights in both attacking and defending. When the barbarians are charging your position, "Shield Bang" causes your infantry unit to hold their ground and bang loudly on their shields, slowing down the enemy's advance. "Battle Cry" can then be used to give you and all your allies a temporary increase in accuracy and attack stats. When you decide to go on the offensive and need to break through enemy lines, "Shock Charge" sends your entire squad careening through the battle formation of your adversaries.
Rome is the pinnacle of civilization; hence Roman Soldiers are consummate warriors. Far more than just trained swordsman, Soldiers are skilled in all aspects of warfare--from bloody melee combat to strategy and defense. More importantly, their devotion to the Republican cause is unparalleled, making them a smart choice for anyone hoping to be victorious in leading their squad into battles for glory.
1 |
Triarius Strike |
Class Core |
A special strike that does increased damage to your opponent. If Tirarius Strike is successful, the player is awarded a single combo point. The amount of damage done is increased for each additional Feat point spent in Triarius Strike; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 10 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
2 |
Soldier Combo |
Class Core |
In combat, the player can execute a high-damage combo against the opponent. This move requires at least 1 combo point to execute. Damage is increased for each combo point spent. Damager per combo point is increased for each additional Feat point spent in Soldier Combo; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 10 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
3 |
Clipeatus Defense |
Class Core |
Clipeatus Defense increased the Soldier's block ability when using a shield. Chance to block is increased for each additional Feat point spent in Clipeatus Defense; maximum of 3 points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 10 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
4 |
Charge |
Class Core |
Charge moves the Soldier rapidly from a distance into hand-to-hand combat and does increased damage against an opponent and grants the Soldier a single combo point. Damage is increased for each additional Feat point spent in Charge; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 15 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
5 |
Nerve Strike |
Class Core |
Nerve Strike does increased damage against an opponent and reduces his overall combat effectiveness for a short duration. Damage and duration of reduced effectiveness are increased for each additional Feat point spent in Nerve Strike; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 15 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
5 |
Challenge |
Class Core |
Challenge taunts target opponent and increases hate. Taunt success rate and hate generated are increased for each additional Feat point spent in Challenge; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 15 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
10 |
Focused Blocking |
Shields |
Focused Blocking grants a significantly increased chance to block the next incoming attack. Chance to block is further increased for each additional Feat point spent in Focused Blocking; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 20 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
10 |
Knockdown |
Class Core |
Using a shoulder charge, target opponent is dealt damage while being knocked down. The Soldier is granted a single combo point. Damage is increased for each additional Feat point spent in Knockdown; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 20 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
10 |
Shield Bang (Squad) |
Class Core |
The Infantry unit bangs loudly on their shields, slowing enemies. The duration and magnitude of the debuff increases for every point spent in Shield Bang; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 20 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
10 |
Shot Defense |
Class Core |
Shot Defense grants the Soldier an increased chance to parry incoming missile attacks. A Soldier's chance to parry incoming missile attacks is further increased for each additional Feat point spent in Shot Defense; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 20 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
10 |
Focused Parrying |
2-Handed Weapons |
Chance to parry the next incoming attack is significantly increased. Chances to parry are further increased for each additional Feat point spent in Focused Parrying; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 20 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
15 |
Iron Will |
Class Core |
Target player is immune to all movement-impairing debuffs (stun, entangle, fear, etc) for a short duration. Feat duration is increased for each additional Feat point spent in Iron Will; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 25 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
15 |
Counterstroke |
Class Core |
Chance to riposte incoming attacks is increased. Chances to riposte and duration of feat are increased for each additional Feat point spent in Counterstroke; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 25 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
15 |
Battle Cry |
Class Core |
Battle Cry grants the player and nearby allies a temporary increase to accuracy and attack. Duration and stat bonus are increased for each additional Feat point spent in Battle Cry; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 25 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
20 |
Plumbatae |
Shields |
Plumbatae allows the Soldier to pull and throw several small projectiles at an opponent. Damage and number of projectiles thrown are increased for each additional Feat point spent in Plumbatae; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 30 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
20 |
Silencing Strike |
Class Core |
A devastating strike that has a chance to silence the opponent. Chance to silence and duration are increased for each additional Feat point spent in Silencing Strike; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 30 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
20 |
Shock Charge (Squad) |
Class Core |
A squad-based attack that breaks through an enemy's formation, reducing their overall attack ability. Opponent's attack ability is further decreased for each Feat point spent in Shock Charge; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 30 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
20 |
Cage of Steel |
Class Core |
Cage of Steel grants a short duration bonus to parrying from all directions rather than just the front. Parrying bonus and feat duration are increased for each additional Feat point spent in Cage of Steel; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 30 instead of choosing a new Feat. |
20 |
Armor Breaking |
2-Handed Weapons |
A powerful attack that does direct damage and reduces opponent's armor rating. Damage is increased and opponent's armor rating is further decreased for each additional Feat point spent in Armor Breaking; maximum of three points. This Feat can be upgraded at level 30 instead of choosing a new Feat. |