Dark or Light

Return of the Gods, Part I

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The Gods Return to EverQuest II, We Reveal Who

Today and tomorrow, MMORPG.com will bring you exclusive information on the eight gods returning to EverQuest II as part of the upcoming expansion pack Echoes of Faydwer. Today, we reveal the first four.

Brell Serillis: The Duke of Below

Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Smiths & Earth

Brell is allied with Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, and an enemy of Veeshan's. Followers of the Duke of Below find true happiness in the caves, caverns and tunnels that permeate the belly of Norrath, but this is one of few points upon which all followers of Brell can agree. The Runny Eye Clan of goblins claim he is their father, much to the disgust of the dwarves of Kaladim who are certain that only the dwarves are the true children of Serilis. The vicious gnolls of Split Paw disagree entirely, for was it not Brell who sculpted them out of the sacred Clay of Cosgrove? Followers of Brell Serilis, in one form or another, can be found nearly anywhere you enter the Underfoot of Norrath.

Cazic-Thule: The Faceless

Alignment: Evil
Portfolio: Fear

Cazic Thule is allied with Rallos Zek and Innoruuk, and the enemy of Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr. Followers of the Faceless, fear their Lord and believe that only by causing terror in others will they be spared his vengeful wrath. Fear rules their lives and through fear they rule the lives of others. Pain, misery, violence, torture, living sacrifice - these are the tools of a Cazicite. Many lizardman tribes are devout followers of Cazic Thule, but his number of humanoid followers grows daily, a cold shadow slowly engulfing the bright spots of Norrath in a nightmare of horror and pain.

Innoruuk: The Prince of Hate

Alignment: Evil
Portfolio: Hate & Strife

Innoruuk is allied with Rallos Zek and Cazic-Thule, and the enemy of Quellious, Mithaniel Marr, and Erollisi Marr. Followers of Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate, include nearly the entire dark elven race who regard him as their "Father". They believe that hate is a creative force, or rather "THE" creative force in the universe - creativity born of destruction. Love and kindness are tools for those too ignorant to know what they want or too cowardly to do what is necessary to obtain it. They believe that it is only through the total disdain of your enemies that you can gain true power over them. Pity and mercy have no power when confronted with contempt and viciousness. It is the honest belief of the followers of Innoruuk that if they were to hate strongly enough, they could destroy all of Norrath.

Rallos Zek: The Warlord

Alignment: Evil
Portfolio: War

Rallos Zek is allied with Innoruuk and Cazic-Thule, enemy to Quellious and Bertoxxulous. The followers of Rallos Zek, the Warlord, believe in survival of the strong and death to the weak. The heart of a true follower of Zek yearns for strength, courage, but above all, victory. They believe that the heat of battle is the only place and time where enlightenment can be gained, that the universe was formed by conflict and in conflict it will end, with the victors feasting upon the remains of their fallen enemy. No respect or regard is given to the dead, for if they were worthy their hearts would still pump blood through their veins and not upon the soil of Norrath. The followers of Zek are almost exclusively warriors.

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