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Next Island - The Endless Universe - SPONSORED

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Next Island is an MMO within Entropia Universe that has globally integrated servers with a real currency economy. The in game currency, PED can be exchanged at a 10-1 ratio to the USD through both deposit and withdraw from the universe. You will play along side a global population, as all realms within the universe are accessible simply by traveling through the environment. As a free to download and play virtual universe, players have the ability to travel between a variety of different planets by flying out of their current planet's atmosphere and traveling through pirated space.

You have the ability to fully customize your avatars and purchase services from other avatars to further upgrade the look and feel of your own. Players may infinitely skill up in over 100 professions to grow their strength in hunting, mining, crafting, avatar modification, and event promotion to mention a few. Purchase a mothership and open an interplanetary transport business with a crew of over 50 people. Trade in-game assets directly or through the global auction system as well as purchasing shops, hunting and mining lands that generate revenue worth real cash.

Next Island allows you to choose your own path, simply socialize, customize clothing and housing. Maybe you prefer to be a great hunter, build your skill and gear and compete in regular event with 10's of thousand in prizes. Become the villain, dominate lootable player vs player space and team with other pirates to take down the great ships of space and raid the spoils of every living soul on board. Next Island is an ever expanding planet, in an ever expanding universe that will continue to grow and evolve indefinitely.