Dark or Light

Neoshaman, Magus & Bodyguard Decks

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The Neoshaman utilizes both Blood Magic and Chaos Magic to painfully extinguish the life of his opponents. He excels at doing a lot of damage to single targets, with strong Focus attacks and a host of damage-over-time effects. The Neoshaman’s ability to impair enemies, and draw the life force from them to replenish his own, increases his survivability.

The Neoshaman Deck is versatile and works well both for playing alone and in groups. Being able to impair enemies makes the Deck a good choice for player-versus-player combat, and the ability to do a lot of damage-over-time to a single target makes it very useful against powerful dungeon bosses.

Active Abilities

  • Bloodline: A Blood Magic Focus attack which is channeled for a short while to do several hits to one target. Builds one Resource for each weapon.
  • Exsanguinate: A Blood Magic Focus attack which is channeled for a few seconds to do several hits to one target. If the target is Impaired it gets Afflicted with a damage-over-time effect which lasts for several seconds. Consumes five Blood Magic Resources. Can be powered by your own health.
  • Pulling the Strings: A Chaos Magic attack which hits a single target. If the target is Weakened you gain a beneficial effect which reduces the chance to do Glancing blows for several seconds. Consumes all Chaos Magic Resources.
  • Liquidation: A Blood Magic attack which places an effect on the ground around the target. Enemies caught in the affected area will become Afflicted with a damage-over-time effect which lasts for several seconds. You gain a small heal-over-time effect on yourself.
  • Anesthesia: A single target Blood Magic attack which Impairs the target and stuns it for several seconds.
  • Helter Skelter: A Chaos Magic attack which makes you Dash forward ten meters. Targets in your path are Impaired and stunned for a few seconds.
  • Plague: A Blood Magic Elite attack which hits a single target and makes it become Afflicted with a damage-over-time effect which lasts for several seconds. If the target dies from this effect, other nearby targets also become Afflicted with a damage-over-time effect which lasts for several seconds.

Passive Abilities

  • Unholy Knowledge: Increases the damage of all your damage-over-time effects.
  • Breakdown: Whenever you hit an Impaired target it becomes Weakened and affected by a stack of the Exposed effect, which increases the damage they take for several seconds.
  • Pattern Recognition: Whenever you hit an Impaired target you do an extra hit doing extra damage. This hit has a chance to do an additional hit.
  • Sick Society: Whenever you attack a target below 35% health, you do an extra hit for extra damage.
  • Circulation: Whenever you apply the Afflicted state to a target you gain a heal-over-time effect which lasts for several seconds. If the target is also Impaired you gain a barrier which will block some incoming damage.
  • Torture: Whenever you finish channeling a Focus attack you do an extra hit for extra damage.
  • Gross Anatomy: Whenever one of your damage-over-time effects expire, you do an extra hit for extra damage.
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