Game Update: Plans for 2009
The folks at The Chronicles of Spellborn have prepared a project update informing players of their plans for the game in the near and far future.
Hello Spellborn Players and Community Members!
Before starting this Project Update, I would like to wish all you a very happy New Year on behalf of the whole Spellborn development team! Best wishes of health and success in both your own and your Spellborn lives! ;)
So here we are; another year passed, but this time, Spellborn has been released. What a year 2008 has been, dare I say! From the massive crunch times before the various launches to the excitement and even sheer joy of the first players connecting to the live servers; the year 2008 will stay in our hearts as the first steps of this little game of ours called The Chronicles of Spellborn.
But that is all behind us already and we are now focusing on many things that you, the players, will be delighted to see when they make it into the game. The year 2009 for The Chronicles of Spellborn can be summed up in a few words in fact: more fun, more content, and… more content!
The main goal is to provide content and features that will support the best replayability of The Chronicles of Spellborn while making sure that everything can be enjoyed to its fullest.
Over the past weeks and month, we have been closely monitoring the feedback from the community of players and have already been taking actions to make sure that the game experience is as perfect as possible.
A month after release, the first December content patch was shipped with bug fixes and content implementation, with hot-fixes in-between to take care of the urgent issues.
One thing is already sure: we will keep on updating the game as often and regularly as needed.
With regards to short term planning, a new content patch is going to be rolled out soon (we expect it for end of January), which, among many quests and bug fixes, will also introduce new unique outdoor monsters (called Menaces, from which you might already know the cuddly “Tiny Tyke”). In the coming week, we’ll reveal some of these new Menaces on our website.
But the biggest chunk of this patch is undoubtedly the upcoming “Tutorial”. After reading the various comments from the community, and also from the various press reviews about Spellborn, we decided it was needed to implement a tutorial explaining basic movements, camera control, NPC interactions and combat controls in a dedicated area of the game, before players set foot on Hawksmouth Square. With this new system, we aim to provide all the tools to newcomers to have a great first-time experience which will motivate them and allow them to play the game further with greater enjoyment.
Also, we will invite you, the players, to experience the new instance in the Deadspell Storm called Exarchyon. This massive dungeon will take the players inside the raftyard-based headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Glaive, a hostile faction where many encounters and challenges await. The instance is aimed at players of Fame Level 20 to 25.
Concerning the mid-term planning for 2009: we will be working on two main features that you have been waiting quite some time for, and by two features, I mean, the Market, where you can trade your goods and items with other players, and, for PvP-aficionados, the possibility to sign up for Unranked 2v2 or 4v4 Arena matches. Ranked matches will eventually also find their way to the game, but will be introduced at a later date. After rankings have been added we’ll continue to add more Arena features depending on how you, the players, experience it. Of course, many other additions besides these two features will find their way into the game mid-term wise, but these are simply the focus-point for now.
As for the long-term planning of 2009, we would like to implement elements that would strengthen the feeling of belonging to the Spellborn world by, for example, allowing Guild Alliances. We are still finalizing the concepts for some elements of the feature which we want to implement at some future point in the year, so for now, hold your horses. Talking about horses, or rather, any potential mounts, they are also a feature that we will be working on. You know how much we want our world to be coherent in terms of immersion so who knows what mounts will be like…
To conclude this Project Update, rest assured that even more content will be implemented to the game over the course of the year, parallel to the features I just explained, ranging from new quests and new instances to new zones and even more. Yes, there is a lot coming up, guys! So stay tuned and logged in!
And that is a wrap for this update. We hope you will like the aforementioned details and features we plan to implement in the game over the course of 2009. We are already very excited about this New Year, and count on you players to join us for the ride!
Read this article at it's original source.