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MMOFTW - Defiance's Second Coming

This week's MMOFTW covers Defiance 2050's announcement from Trion Worlds, Cabal 2's closure, Diablo 3's rumored Switch port, Yoshi P's promotion at Square Enix, and Black Desert's 2nd Anniversary. Watch and get learned!

PAX East 2015 - Defiance Alcatraz Preview

We chat with new Creative Lead on Defiance, Carble Cheung about the MMO's upcoming free Alcatraz update, complete with new challenges, rewards, increased Ego level cap, and a whole new type of character progression.

Silicon Valley World Expansion Trailer

Dive into the first FREE world expansion for Defiance with new missions, enemies, and rewards!

E3 2013 - Castithan DLC Gameplay Preview

Senior Producer Rob Hill takes Bill Murphy on a tour through some of the new game modes in the upcoming Defiance DLC; Enter the Castithan, the siege mode, new cars, as well as explaining how the show and the game will further integrate, and how players can make a Castithan without erasing their progress.

Stop the Plauge

Trion Worlds has released a new video to introduce Defiance players to the latest in-game event. A mysterious plague-like disease has made its way to San Francisco and it is up to players to stop it before it reaches critical mass. The event is mirrored in the Syfy television show of the same name.

Stop the Plauge

Trion Worlds has released a new video to introduce Defiance players to the latest in-game event. A mysterious plague-like disease has made its way to San Francisco and it is up to players to stop it before it reaches critical mass. The event is mirrored in the Syfy television show of the same name.

DEFIANCE Video Review

Bill Murphy lays down his final thoughts and rating for Defiance from Trion Worlds. After four weeks plus a few days of playing, how does it shake out? Watch on to find out.

Major Arkfall Event Gameplay

This is footage of a "Major Arkfall", which is similar to major Rifts or Invasions in Trion's flagship MMORPG: Rift. The smaller arkfalls must be completed before the Hellion opens up. Lots of loot and rewards for all who participate.

'Episode Mission' - TV Show Tie-In Gameplay

This is the first 'Episode Mission' in Trion Worlds' Defiance. It's one of several special missions throughout the game that ties directly into the TV show on SyFy by featuring characters from the show. This also happens to be the player's introduction to ArkFalls, the big open world group content that are not at all unlike Rift's "Rift" mechanic. (Pardon my terrible playing... not the greatest shooter. Harass me on Twitter @TheBillMurphy)

Launch Day Trailer

Trion Worlds is celebrating today's launch of Defiance with a brand new trailer set to some awesome music. The MMOFPS is a direct tie-in to the Syfy television series of the same name. Check it out before heading into the apocalypse that is Defiance.