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Dark Souls 3

Bandai Namco | Official Site


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Dark Souls 3 Articles

Ashes of Arandel DLC Announcement Trailer

Bandai Namco has released the latest Dark Souls 3 trailer. Called "Ashes of Arandel", the new DLC will take players to a land of snow and ice but one that is defiled by great evil. New armor sets, weapons and magic will accompany players along the journey as well.

Get The Skyrim First Person Experience Thanks to New Mod

Thanks to an intrepid modder, Dark Souls 3 players can take on the game in first-person, though at a risk: Users stand a chance of being banned from online play if using what the developer, "Iron Pineapple", calls the 'Skyrim experience' in Dark Souls 3. Check out the video and let us know what you think.

Current Game to be the Last According to Miyazaki

In a translated interview at NeoGaf.com, Dark Souls III director Miyazaki has indicated that the latest game is the last in the series with "no plans right now for any sequels, spin-offs or tie-ins".

TheHiveLeader's Impressions

TheHiveLeader rages once again with Dark Souls 3. But does this one live up to it's predecessors? Dark Souls 3 is an Action RPG for the PS4 and Xbox One and PC. Developed by acclaimed Japanese developer FromSoftware and directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, DARK SOULS III is the latest chapter in the critically acclaimed DARK SOULS series with its trademark sword and sorcery combat and rewarding action RPG gameplay. Players will travel across a wide variety of locations in an interconnected world

New Trailer Celebrates Outstanding Sales

Bandai Namco is proudly touting the fact that Dark Souls III is its fastest selling title ever. To celebrate the accomplishment, Bandai Namco has released a new trailer called "Kingdom Fall". Check it out and leave us your thoughts in the comments.

First DLC Expected in Autumn 2016

According to VideoGamer.com, the first major DLC for Dark Souls III will be arriving in autumn 2016 with a second to be released soon after. No pricing information for the DLC was revealed, though Season Pass holders will receive them for free.

24 Tips for Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3 is upon us and our souls are lost! Literally, in this case, as death means dropping all of your hard earned souls and maybe losing them forever. Have no fear, MMORPG.com is here! Check out our RPG Files guide of tips and tricks to get your started and slaying in no time.

Launch Day Arrives for PS4, Xbox One, PC & a New Trailer

Fans ready for a brutal challenge are excited for today's release of Dark Souls III for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Launch day arrives complete with a new trailer detailing some of the challenging gameplay that awaits intrepid adventurers. Check it out below then let us know if you're ready to take it on and what your impressions of DS3 are.

Can It Succeed as a Board Game?

Steamforged Games has announced that it has received permission from Dark Souls publisher Bandai Namco to begin a KickStarter initiative to fund a board game based on the popular RPG series.

The Great Sword of Artorias Created in Real Life

The YouTube channel for Man at Arms: Reforged has been updated with a new video showing a team of blacksmiths creating the Great Sword of Artorias from Dark Souls III. It's a fascinating look at the creative process behind making something in the real world we can usually only see in game. See what you think!

Tried & True, But a Little Tired

Dark Souls 3 is the not-so-long awaited sequel to 2014’s Dark Souls 2, the series of Action RPGs from From Software which has earned their fanbase through punishing difficulty. When I sat down a little more than a week ago with the PC port of Dark Souls 3, I expected a familiar yet different sort of experience. And Dark Souls 3 is familiar, indeed. In fact, hot on the heels of Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 feels a little too familiar.

Eli Roth Creates 'The Witches' Within the Game World

Movie director Eli Roth has created an animated short called "The Witches" that is set in the Dark Souls III game world. Roth is the director of films that include "Hostel" and "Cabin Fever". Check out the video below and leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Steady Your Nerves -- Here is the Official Launch Trailer

While the release of Dark Souls III in NA/EU isn't until April, the Japanese launch for the game is on track for March 24th. Namco-Bandai has released the launch trailer for DSIII that is all in English with Japanese subtitles. Time to steady your nerves...after watching the trailer though.

PS4/XB1/PC - True Colors of Darkness

Discover the True Colors of Darkness in our new Dark Souls 3 trailer! Are you ready to fight for your life in the Kingdom of Lothric on April 12th ?

Digital Pre-Orders Begin

Fans of the Dark Souls series will be pleased to hear that preorders for Dark Souls III have now opened for XBox One, PlayStation 4 and PC for Steam. The Dark Souls III digital deluxe version will run $84.99 and include a digital version of the game, soundtrack and a pre-order theme.