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Dark and Light

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Dark and Light Articles

Dark & Light Devs to Reduce Official Servers from 344 to 100

The Dark & Light Steam page has been updated to inform the community that servers will be consolidated from 344 official servers to 100 when the consolidation process is complete. The merging process will be completed in two phases. The first round will take place near the end of January to close completely inactive servers. The other will take place in February to consolidate low-population servers so "each server has a healthy population".

Shard of Faith Content Expansion Launches in Dark & Light

Dark & Light has gotten a significant new content expansion thanks to the arrival of Shard of Faith. The action is set in The Dark Plane and includes a huge new map area and storyline for players to investigate. Players who already own the game will receive the expansion free of charge and new players can leverage a sweet $15 Early Access price tag and get started today.

The Dark Plane is the First DLC Expansion & It's Coming This Summer

Dark & Light will be expanding with a beefy DLC called The Dark Plane later this summer. The new content will be included for all owners of the base game or purchasable as a standalone addition to the game. Players will be heading to a new location in the game to battle against "the mysterious Faiths" and to uncover "ancient secret rites to put the world back into balance".

Dev Kit to be Released Tomorrow - Let the Modding Begin!

The Dark & Light page has been updated with great news for the modding commmunity: The Dev Kit is now stable and will be released to the community on Tuesday, June 5th. The kit will allow content creators to make things for Dark & Light that can be uploaded to the Steam Workshop for players to download and try.

Optimization is the Goal Throughout Upcoming Patches

The latest Dark & Light update notes have been published. Players should notices several optimization improvements. The goal, according to the dev team, is to continue to make performance improvements throughout the month of May. In addition, players will also notice improvements to overall gameplay and that several issues have been resolved.

Mistvane Shrine Challenges Players to High Altitude Battle

In the clouds above the Floating Isles, there is a prison called Mistvane Shrine that can be discovered by Dark & Light adventurers. Those willing to ride a conveyor belt into the prison will find it packed with "terrible creatures that could not be controlled". It will be a battle to the end, but a lucrative one for those who persevere.

Latest Patch Fixes Tons of Bugs and Introduces a Few New Ones Too

The latest Dark & Light newsletter has been published on the Steam page. The purpose of the letter is to inform the community that the team is aware of newly introduced bugs and issues after the most recent patch. There are at least two more patches planned for March and the team is actively monitoring forum posts about issues players have encountered so that they can track down and eliminate the bugs.

Exclusive Interview Explores the Scalding Abyss and the MMO's Future

Dark and Light may be in early access, but that doesn't stop Snail Games from treating the project like a live game. In this interview we discuss the Scalding Abyss, the latest big update, and how the project is working towards its hybrid MMORPG/Survival sandbox goals.

Latest Patch Invites Players to Take to the Skies in Mobile Fortresses

A new content patch is in the process of being deployed that brings a number of content updates and bug fixes to the game. Most notably, however, players will also find the new "mobile fortresses" available. "Goblin engineers of Archos have been quietly working on a machine that would allow them to take to the skies." Players will need to unlock Rank 4 in Goblin Engineering in order to begin creating the new mobile fortress.

Winter is Coming Today with Holiday Cheer & Content

Dark & Light players will be able to cozy up to the fire as snow begins falling across Archos. Major cities will be decorated for the winter holidays and wizened players can scout around for some limited-time gifts while there. In addition, the Reindeer Games hearken to Rudolph where players can catch an Elk with a bright red nose, saddle it up (thanks to special drops) and take to the skies! At the end of the event, it goes away unless purchased from town vendors.

Master Builder Servers Coming to Promote Building the Greatest Structures Possible

The Dark & Light team has posted a new forum notice to let players know that a new server type, the Master Builder, will be launching later this week. It is designed to "promote building the greatest structures possible". US / EU / AS versions will all launch on November 30th.

The Scalding Abyss High Level Dungeon Revealed

The Dark & Light Steam page has been updated with a further look at today's update that includes the game's second PvE dungeon called The Scalding Abyss. As the name implies, this is one hot dungeon as it is set within the volcano at World's End. Players will be facing off against a number of new enemies including the Ashen Fist Goblin, Molten Artificer, Emberling, Scalding Wyrm and the big boy himself, Bel'xahl the Scorched, dominion holder of the volcano.

Blog Previews Changes to Chaos Servers, Announces Incoming Wipe

The Dark & Light Steam page has a preview of the next major content update that will be landing in game on November 16th. While all servers will be receiving an update, Chaos Servers are the main focus of the new post. Chaos servers are "in the very early testing phase" and are undergoing a number of changes due to player feedback and the team has more plans to further continue to tweak systems and features over time.

New Chaos Servers to Provide Devs with Data for PvP Balance & More

The Dark & Light forum has been updated with a new post to reveal the first information about Chaos Servers, a new type of PvP-only server that will provide data and feedback for the dev team. As information is compiled, devs will "help inform PvP balancing and content development plans". There will be a number of changes on Chaos Servers, most specifically to experience rates, structure health and creature levels. Testing servers will be wiped once a month.

Patch Spotlight - Gobboween Special!

Dark and Light's latest update brings the goblin festival of Gobboween to Archos! Learn about all of the special, limited-time creatures and items you'll encounter in the Gobboween Update!