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Dark Age of Camelot

Daybreak Games | Official Site


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The Otherworlds Campaign Exclusive Reveal

We have an exclusive look at Dark Age of Camelot's first update with Broadsword Entertainment. The Otherworlds Campaign is a series of updates offering players a chance to explore ghostly realms for their factions. It will also include major updates to crafting and RvR. Broadsword's John Thornhill gives us all the details in this exclusive interview.

DAoC's Legacy in Today's MMOs

This week we look at some of the ideas and games which came out of Dark Age of Camelot. This MMO launched in 2001 and still influences the entire industry. We're happy to show the history and future of this game's life cycle.

Wayback Wednesday with DAOC Devs

MMORPG.com Wayback Wednesday Rob @Grakulen playing @DAoCDev with Mythic.

Wayback Wednesday with  DAoC Devs

WayBack Wednesday with the Dark Age of Camelot development team!

1st Impressions Overview

Ripper X visits Dark Age of Camelot for a basic overview of the game from the Hybernia realm perspective. Ripper rolls a Ranger and goes into the basic of DAOC and the massive amount of content the game has to offer. Download Dark Age of Camelot: http://darkageofcamelot.com/trial Director's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/TMRipper Dark Age of Camelot on MMORPG.Com http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/11/Dark-Age-of-Camelot.html