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Cyberpunk 2077 - Night City Wire Episode 2 Stream Debuts August 10th, Details Weapons and Lifepaths

Episode 2 is Here for You

Steven Weber Updated: Posted:
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CDPROJECTRED has announced the next episode of Cyberpunk 2077's Night City Wire August 10th. In this stream the developers plan to chat about lifepaths, the kind of weapons players can use in game, and some story information regarding Refused’s transformation into SAMURAI.

The tweet for the announcement has little in the way of details aside from what to expect from the next episode:

For those that have been following Cyberpunk 2077, the new Night City Wire episode will definitely be a must watch, and provide plenty of hype-inducing information. As we know, Cyberpunk 2077 has thus far been delayed until November, with several other delays along the way. You can check out the stream August 10th at 6PM CEST.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.