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Gaijin Entmt. | Official Site

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    Real Life
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  • Developer:

    Gaijin Entmt.
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Crossout Overview

Crossout is a new team based multiplayer vehicle combat game. Crossout tests players’ creativity in building, upgrading and customizing deadly armored vehicles to destroy enemies in explosive player vs player online battles.

Players can build the perfect fighting machine to their own preference, taking into account how each new addition affects the whole vehicle’s performance. Offering complete customization, without any classes or patterns, Crossout gives players thousands of possibilities to design their vehicle, including shape, armor, weapons, support systems and, of course, cosmetic enhancements.

Players also have multiple options when it comes to mass destruction - combat vehicles can be equipped with an explosive range of weapons from chainsaws, power drills and machine guns, to rocket launchers, flying drones and stealth generators. Featuring an advanced damage model, destroying any part of an enemy machine will affect that vehicle's performance.

  • No classes or patterns | Create a ride which suits your style of gameplay.
  • Complete freedom of creativity | Create vehicles of any shape using dozens of parts.
  • Advanced damage model | Destroy any part of an enemy machine in a battle.
  • Huge arsenal of weapons | From chain saws to rocket launchers and flying drones.
  • Your own workshop | Create new, advanced parts and auction them at the in-game marketplace..
  • Your own battle strategy! | The only thing that matters is the Survival and Victory!.