Crimson Desert Articles
We picked up the sword and hacked our way through a Gamescom preview of Crimson Desert.
At Gamescom, a first-ever Crimson Desert demo is live, and Pearl Abyss is sharing details and videos of all four challenging bosses you can face in the new demo.
Crimson Desert's first action-packed gameplay reveal is here, as Gamescom 2024 is set to begin. The new video features the White Horn boss battle, one of the major boss fights you can expect in Pearl Abyss's upcoming open-world action RPG.
After confirming that Crimson Desert would be playable at Gamescom, Pearl Abyss has some more details on their presence at the show next week, and the demo.
Pearl Abyss has confirmed that their Gamescom booth next month will feature Crimson Desert, and it will be playable.
Pearl Abyss held their Q1 2024 earnings call today, and in addition to announcing all its financials from the first quarter of the year, the Korean developer also gave an update on two of its most hotly anticipated titles to come.
Crimson Desert was first shown off in 2020, but we've not seen much from the Pearl Abyss game. The upcoming open-world RPG got a new, expansive trailer at Gamescom's Opening Night Live.
Following in the footsteps of Quantum Break, Pearl Abyss took to Twitter to announce their upcoming open world Crimson Desert has been delayed.
Crimson Desert was certainly a big hit at The Game Awards, with over 5 minutes of glorious video footage. Pearl Abyss has responded to potential players looking for more information by releasing two new videos explaining the game's story elements, combat, gameplay, and even a scene-by-scene break down of the trailer shown at the game awards.
Leading up to The Game Awards, Pearl Abyss released a tiny taste of a trailer, but they sure followed it up with a lengthy, gorgeous looking gameplay trailer that has us excited for the, largely single player, title that follows in the same Desert Universe as Black Desert.
Deserts come in a variety of colors it would seem, as Black Desert developer Pearl Abyss has teased, with a very short video, a Crimson Desert release, that will be unveiled in earnest during The Game Awards this year.