Dark or Light

Wizard101: Spring Gleaming

Vanessa Mythdust Posted:
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Wizard101’s spring update hit the Test Realm recently and I finally got the chance to take a look at all the new features and changes. While I expected this update to mostly focus on “quality of life” additions, KingsIsle actually provided a pretty good balance by also including a brand new event and a pair of skeleton key bosses.

A New Coating on Old Favorites

The Wizard City revamp that started in the summer has finally gotten an expansion into Firecat Alley, Triton Avenue, Cyclops Lane, and Colossus Boulevard. Personally, I think KingsIsle found a great balance between keeping the classic streets’ whimsy while also incorporating new elements to truly make them pop. All of the new revamped areas fully embrace the schools that inspired them. Colossus Boulevard reminds me of a snowy main street where a holiday TV special would take place. Firecat Alley explodes with color and showcases new lava vents which connect the various street segments. Cyclops Lane appears the least changed out of all the updated areas, but it still meshes nicely with the game’s 2019 look. However, my absolute favorite reworked area is Triton Avenue. KingsIsle went hardcore doom and gloom, and I’m living for it! The entire street is blanketed in darkness, filled with short spurts of lightning whenever the storm feels it’s time to unleash them. Considering the place has always been crawling with undead anyway, I welcome the change in setting. It’s not supposed to be a happy place. 

About Time ....

You know what’s probably been the most requested game idea since the launch of Wizard101? A seventh character slot. Honestly, I thought it’d never happen ... but be still my beating heart - it has! For 18,000 crowns (roughly $35), you can buy an “Additional Character Slot” elixir in the Crown Shop. Due to what I’m assuming is technical limitations, your new character won’t sit with the rest of your six other pals though. Anyone who purchases this new elixir will have access to a second character screen where their seventh character will be waiting ... all by their lonesome. Maybe one day they’ll be able to reunite with their classmates. 

It’s all about the Treasure Cards

When I was a new player, I NEVER used treasure cards. I actually only started to regularly use treasure cards when I became a member of Mercenaries101 and needed to find a specific card at exactly the right moment. Since Mercenaries101 sadly took what ended up being a permanent hiatus, my treasure cards have slowly been piling up again. Luckily for me, in this spring update, KingsIsle introduced something called a Treasure Card Vault. It’s exactly what it sounds like, and it’s built for treasure card hoarders just like me. It can hold up to 1,000 cards, and that may come in handy for the new treasure card event. 

What better way to get players to use their stockpiled treasure cards than by literally forcing them to? The brand new Deckathalon event is a fresh challenge, especially for higher level wizards. It’s like going back to the tutorial days where you have no control over your stats and gear. You want to use power pips? Too bad. How about that nice 5,000 health? You wish. It doesn’t matter what level you are, your “progress” is essentially erased and you’re left with just plain old strategy. The biggest catch though is that you can ONLY use treasure cards. You can’t replenish them until you reach certain checkpoints either. The game is essentially forcing you to think strategically and make every spell count. It also brings back the horror of fizzling, and wow, it’s been quite a while since I’ve had to worry about that. 

Getting to the top of this Deckathalon tower unlocks the crafting recipe for the new “Hands of Fate” weapon - AKA the spiral’s version of the infinity gauntlet. They pack a powerful snap ... err ... punch. 

KingsIsle mentioned in the update notes that there will be 3 different school versions of the Deckathalon: Ice, Death, and Fire. With how well received the event has been with the community so far, I wonder if we’ll eventually see the other schools make an appearance as well. 

Other Additions

  • Bank and friend list expansion elixirs: I feel like these will be great in the short run, but I’ll eventually run out of room again. I always seem to fall into the same patterns.
  • Khan dance housing game: something new to do at in-game parties! From what I’ve experienced so far, things can get a bit crazy. 
  • New skeleton key bosses: unfortunately, I haven’t gotten a chance to play through these quite yet. I’m looking forward to seeing what tricks they have up their sleeves.
  • Borderless Window mode: my streamer friends are EXTREMELY happy about this!

What are your thoughts on Wizard101’s newest update? Read the full update notes here and share your opinion below.