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Ultra-Summer in Wizard101: No burns, Just Bursting with Good Stuff!

Christina IceDreamer Posted:
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Wizard101’s Ultra Summer Update went live this week with a whole lot of something for every type of player. New challenges from old foes, pets taking a dip in the DNA pool, a new age of PvP, and more housing and gardening than you can shake a glow stick at (the new Ultra plants have a really cool glow effect). Here’s a closer look at the details:

Ultra Bosses

Some old bosses hit the gym to buff up for the beach, and now they want a rematch. Will players kick some sand in their faces? See for yourself in new one-shot Ultra Dungeons.

Rattlebones, Krokopatra, Meowiarty and Zeus have better stuff in their beach coolers as well: unique gear, new versions of familiar pets, Ultra seeds, top-notch crafting reagents and...way at the back...you might find a mount.

Speaking of Mounts…

Craftable Mounts. For every Ravenwood School. ‘Nuff said.

Ultra Pets

Take your pet for a walk to the Pet Pavilion, and while you’re out there grab a new collar with some sparkly bling that increases your power. Or hatch one of the new hybrids!

Pets in Wizard101 can now be trained all the way to “Ultra” . . . that’s one step beyond “Mega” in case you haven’t been playing in a while. At Ancient (that’s one step below “Mega”), we now can add a jewel to our pet! The jewel goes into a socket that’s connected to a collar (and the knee bone's connected to the ankle bone, and Mega Snacks cure dog breath). The great thing about adding your own jewel is that when your pet reaches Ultra, you can choose an ultra-appropriate jewel to socket as your pet’s “bonus talent.” This means your ultimate pet won’t troll you on its final talent—you get to choose it yourself. (The bones and dog breath are up in the air.)

Third Age PvP

That might sound self-explanatory, but it’s much more than blazing a fresh path to glory. Grab your arena tickets in your sweaty palm and spend them on new gear, housing items, and pets. To go along with this new age, KingsIsle has fixed a long standing complaint with “puppet teams” in Ranked PvP. No more pairing a level 100 with a level 1 in a 2v2 match and rolling over two level 50’s.

Movin’ on Over!

Who doesn’t like housing improvements? I mean, Wizard101 already has one of the most amazing housing systems out there in any MMO, but it just keeps getting better.

By popular request, KingsIsle now allows us to trade houses on the same account via the Shared Bank! This is a home run with players. Also, you can now buy an additional Brick-a-Brac Elixir to raise the amount of items you can store in your house by 50. Personally, this means lots more Holidaisies at my year-round Christmas House!

People who garden now have access to a Seed Vault where you can store all those excess seeds from your inventory. It’s a sigh of relief for the Gardening fans, and another nook and cranny to hide stuff for the item hoarder inside you.

Bits and Pieces

Drop rates and other tweaks not only refine our spells, they improve questing in Azteca and Avalon. You’ll be able to sell more of your Treasure Cards at the Bazaar (some “no auction” restrictions have been lifted). Put a lure on your wand and head to Celestia, because there’s fish in them there waters!

Let KingsIsle know what you think of the Ultra update in the comment section below!