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Top 10 Things We Want to See at E3

William Murphy Posted:
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We're sending a host of people out to Los Angeles for E3 this year, and in doing so we're most likely committing five poor nerds to awesome-overload. With the exception of one downer year, E3 is the Mecca of videogame hype. It's a week-long party and celebration of gaming culture unlike anything else seen stateside. This year is already promising a lot of news and updates on our favorite and forthcoming games, but everyone has their own "burning desire" when it comes to what they want to see at the convention. With that in mind I've put together my own list of must-sees when I head out to California in June. Take a look, and feel free to offer up your own list in the comments below.

# 10 SyFy Action MMO

At the recent Trion Worlds press event we weren't given a hint on whether or not this title would be getting a really solid reveal at E3, but I'm hoping we do. I suppose it depends on just how far along the game is at the conceptual level. Regardless I'm very curious to see just what kind of show and what kind of game this coordinated effort will produce. And more importantly, I want to see with my own eyes whether such a feat is possible.

#9 TERA's Combat

TERA is one of those games that I personally wrote off at first. Aion never grabbed my attention and the shameful cynic in me initially figured that TERA would wind up being something very close to NCSoft's recent release. But then Garrett and Mike brought us back details on the title from GDC, and I'm currently experiencing something akin to Cowbell Fever when I read about the combat system in the game. I want to see and hear and play more of it. Hopefully at E3 we'll have a chance to do just that.

#8 All Points Bulletin Hands-On

I'm a huge fan of Crackdown. It was Realtime Worlds' first title and by all means APB is seemingly light-years ahead of that first title in terms of scope and potential. I'm not expecting to be able to hoist cars above my head or pummel gangsters into oblivion like I did in their first release, but the notion of a living and breathing game of Cops and Robbers has my interest piqued... that, and I really just want to see if I can make a Paul Giamatti clone.

#7 End of Nations Hands-On

Trion Worlds' recent press event really put this game on the map for me. From what I saw, I can already say it's likely a day one purchase for me and I'm not even that big of a fan of RTS games. It looks that promising. But the proof is in the pudding and I want to test-drive this bad boy. At the Trion event no one got to lay hands on the mouse to control their own army, so I'm anxious to get a chance at E3 to really take control and work with others in the fight against the Order of Nations.

#6 DC Universe Release Date

It's no secret by now that I am a bit of a comic geek. A large portion of my biweekly pay goes towards making sure Robert Kirkman has money to feed his family. It only goes to follow that I would be enthralled by superhero MMOs. The next title in the subgenre is the upcoming DC Universe, and I don't think I'm alone in hoping that we get a final launch date for the game at this year's E3.

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William Murphy

Bill is the former Managing Editor of MMORPG.com, RTSGuru.com, and lover of all things gaming. He's been playing and writing about MMOs and geekery since 2002, and you can harass him and his views on Twitter @thebillmurphy.