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This Week at GameSpace.com – Destiny 2’s Best Weapons, LA Noire on Switch & More

Suzie Ford Posted:
Columns Not So MMO 0

It was another big, if short, week at GameSpace.com. We’ve got some terrific reviews, as well as a few opinions on things as diverse as Destiny 2’s best weapons and a nifty mouse / keyboard review. You’ll definitely want to check it out!


Battle Chef Brigade – Verdict: 8/10

Battle Chef Brigade won’t suck your life away like the recently released Skyrim, or the soon to be launched Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but it just might charm your pants off so much that you wish it did. It’s out now on Switch and Steam, and at $20 it’s well worth the price of admission.

Atari Audiowear SpeakerHat Review

Overall, the Atari Audiowear Speakerhat is a novelty as you would’ve expected, but even with that said they could’ve done a lot worse. There’s decent electronic equipment wrapped inside a stylish, comfortable hat that will fit even the biggest of heads. This would make a great gift for the replicant or human in your life if they’re fan of retro gaming fashion or maybe in need of a new jambox. It actually has some very practical uses for active folks who hate wearing ear buds like I do. And while I’d never be brave enough to try it myself these would be a great way of drowning out the crappy music the kids on the bus always seem to be playing on their phones.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 – Verdict: 7.5/10

Now all that said, Tt Games has once again created a perfectly fun adventure, with LOADS to do both on a first playthrough and with extended replay value through unlocks and treasure hunts. But unless you’ve got a friend to play with, the act of grinding through all of the unlockables might err on the side of tedium rather than amusement.

L.A. Noire (Switch) Review – Verdict: 9/10

If, like me, you missed out in 2011 when LA Noire first launched, I highly recommend trying it now on Switch (or on PC, PS4, and XB1 where it was recently released. The Switch version feels right at home and has me clamoring that somehow Rockstar will bring more of its catalog to the console. Bully, Red Dead, and GTA, please? But LA Noire stands on its own as a testament to interactive storytelling in games. It’s a prime example of a studio getting it right without making the player feel like a passive participant. Highly recommended.

Regions of Ruin Review – Verdict: 7/10

If you like side-scrolling action with RPG mechanics, Regions of Ruin is a fun romp. For $16.99 USD on Steam, it’s not a terrible price for an indie title with the type of depth and care for lore that it contains… and there is a lot of it. This might be to your liking or not – depends on whether or not you like to read quest text.

Mantis Burn Racing (Switch) Review – Verdict: 8/10

All in all, if you’re looking for a fun pick-up-and-play game that’s easy to race a round or two and then move on, Mantis Burn Racingmight be for you. If you like driving games which offer you the option to tune your machine to the way you like your car to handle, MBR has a promising system to allow you to do just that.


Sine Requie: Snake Eyes First Impressions

Sine Requie: Snake Eyes is a unique offering. The game promises a lot of deep and engaging story telling wrapped in some beautiful visuals, narrative presentation and well-designed combat mechanics. I always appreciate when a developer is willing to explore and try new approaches to developing a game and WW UV seems to be doing an excellent job of capturing the best parts of the Pen and Paper experience and delivering an engaging, rich experience for the player.

The Mouse/Keyboard is Dead….but Not Really

Maybe I’m crazy (in fact at this point I’m pretty sure that is the case) but I would venture to suggest that over the next 10 years we will see a phasing out of the mouse/keyboard combo from most gaming platforms. There will always be those die hards, specifically with shooters, that will cling to the mouse/keyboard but I predict that as new gamers are introduced into the fold that die hard core will get smaller and smaller. This of course is just an opinion and I would love to hear yours in the comments!

The Best Weapons in Destiny 2 In Our Opinion

With Destiny 2’s first expansion, Curse of Osiris, drawing near its December release date, we thought we’d take a few minutes to share our go-to guns for extinguishing the Darkness.

While this list is neither exhaustive nor are they representative of any in-game “meta,” they are simply a blast to use! And after all, what fun is the hunt without a little flair?

In this bi-weekly column we tally up the news from around the almost-MMO-verse and offer our thoughts on the ins and outs of the titles that are big, but maybe not quite "Massive".


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom