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This Week At GameSpace - May 28th

Suzie Ford Posted:
Columns Not So MMO 0

GameSpace is our little corner of the internet where we can post news and reviews of games that we play outside the MMO genre. Each week, we'll be bringing you the wrap-up of the week's reviews and editorials about other games that might just catch your fancy. See what happened This Week at GameSpace.com!


Renowned Explorers: International Society - Verdict: 8.0

The game has a lot of complexity but thankfully has a wonderful, mostly text-based, tutorial system which sprinkles in some actual in-game play. It’s a nice system to introduce you to, and walk you through, the rather complex game elements. The game is a unique turn-based tactical RPG that will initially require some trial and error as well an upfront time investment, including potentially starting over early, to learn the mechanics but it’s an exploration worth pursuing!

Dawn of Andromeda - Verdict: 4.2

I don’t really see Dawn of Andromeda having much in the way of longevity.  They’re late to the market, don’t offer enough true innovation to stand out in any way, and happen to be releasing while several other really good options in the same genre are being actively updated.  About the only people that I would expect to see picking it up would be those few like me that play pretty much every 4X, but I’d still have to advise my fellow strategists to give this one a pass.

Regalia: Of Men & Monarchs - Verdict: 8.3

For fans of tactical RPGs Regalia of Men and Monarchs is a must buy. The combat can be challenging and frustrating at times though there is a story mode available for people who would like a bit of a simpler game experience. Regalia had far more story and content in general than I was expecting going into the game and everything is executed really well.

Ultra Street Fighter 2: The Final Challengers - Verdict: 6.5

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers does a great job of scratching that nostalgic itch and has a few bonus features but overall the package feels like a misstep. At $15 to $20 I’d have no problem recommending this to everyone out there. However at $40 for physical or digital download it feels like Capcom got a little greedy and put minimal effort into this port but is an attempt to extract a premium price. 

Impact Winter - Verdict: 7.5

Between the narrative content, progression systems, and team management, Impact Winter is far more than a simple scavenging simulator. It still embraces the joy of exploration, but challenges players to balance a multitude of risks. Like many story driven games, replay value can feel somewhat limited by the adherence to a script and the game’s achievement system adds little to this. Despite these niggles, I adored wandering the wilds with Jacob.

Injustice 2 - Verdict: 8.8

Over my gaming career, despite my comparative lack of skill, fighting games have held a special place in my heart. But as I grew older, I wanted games with more depth, more things to do, and more than just tournaments and basic multiplayer components. The men and women of NetherRealm Studios are on my wavelength because Injustice 2 is the most content-rich fighting game I’ve ever played, the first one in ages to captivate me and keep me coming back for more.


Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Review in Progress

Overall, I’m really enjoying playing through Morrowind’s story and exploring Vvardenfell.  The whole experience feels crafted as fan service to long-time Elder Scrolls players, and by and large, it works.  I’m looking forward to trying out the Warden and Battlegrounds next!

How Do You Judge the Biggest Gaming Franchises of All Time?

Perhaps this latter issue in particular points to the conclusion that it is simply not suitable anymore to try and pin down what exactly is the ‘biggest’ in any specific field. The franchise phenomenon means that major brands like Star Wars, Tomb Raider, and Marvel are hugely popular across a range of media, so to simply try to define them by a single aspect is a tough call to make.

Talking Micro Machines World Series with Codemasters' Matthew Becket

Micro Machines: World Series is set to launch in just a few short weeks on the PS4, Xbox One, and Steam. It’s bringing a revival to the classic top-down racer that made fans worldwide on the SNES and Megadrive. We caught up with Codemasters’ Matthew Becket, Product Manager, to chat about the game, its many gameplay options, esports possibilities, and even a chance for a Switch version.

In this bi-weekly column we tally up the news from around the almost-MMO-verse and offer our thoughts on the ins and outs of the titles that are big, but maybe not quite "Massive".


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom