Welcome to this week's The Quiz, ladies and gentlemen! In many parts of the US and Canada, we're draped in snow and trying our best to stay warm in our houses, whether we have power or not. They even got snow in Texas! I got that information while watching SportsCentre, I got my Texas-weather report from the Steelers and the Packers as they head into this Sunday's game. I digress. We've arrived once again at the Drew Wood's The Quiz Power Hour, and in celebration of today's tribute to crafting by MMORPG.com's own Bill Murphy, please enjoy this Quiz based on its entries!
Q: Which of the games mentioned in today's The List is the oldest (as in: original North American release date) and, for bonus points, which game came out only one month and twenty days later?
Q: In Pirates of the Burning Sea, at character creation you select your career. What are your choices? The Nationals have three careers and the Pirates have two.
Q: - In Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, what are the names of the three continents that make up the world of Telon? Bonus points: Name at least two of the races native to that continent for each one.
Q: Star Wars: Galaxies originally launched with ten planets. Through expansion(s), they've since added two more. Name them all. Bonus points: What expansion(s) did the other two come from?
Q: Quick! Name the six factions in Fallen Earth! Alphabetically!
Q: Which two games on the List are the only two that are not available for Digital Download through Steam?
Q: Though you can play any of these games on a Mac with Bootcamp, which two of the seven are the only two to have Mac OS releases?
Q: The standard Dungeons & Dragons attributes list is: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Which two of these attributes are not present in Darkfall, and what are the two attributes in their stead?
Q: Quick! Name the last five EVE Online expansions in reverse chronological order! Bonus points if you can name the forthcoming expansion due out this summer.
Q: Let's close it out on this note, which of the seven games has the highest ranking as chosen by you, our readers, according to our Game List? Bonus Points: Which two games are tied for second?
So that concludes our Quiz for this week. I hope you all enjoyed as we took a trip along this companion piece to Bill Murphy's The List. Tune in next week for some more tasty questions. Until then, Peace Out, Y'All!