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The Quiz: Top Rated MMOs Edition

Drew Wood Posted:
Columns 0

Welcome back to this week's edition of the Drew Wood's Quiz Power Hour (or whatever it was that I was calling it lately) where we're going to take a look at some of the highest rated released games as per you, our voters, on our game list. Now obviously, this goes without saying, but if your favorite MMO doesn't show up here in this list of 10, then head on over to our gamelist and rate your game! On we go! (Note: All scores are listed at time of writing this article. It is entirely possible that these have changed in the meantime)

Q: In DC Universe Online (Rating: 8.36), who are the six possible mentors for your character to work and progress under? Bonus points: What are the names of the HQs for each side?


Q: In the Troy missions in Atlantica Online (Rating: 8.22), which noteworthy figurehead of Greek mythology provides the players with their tasks? For bonus points, who played the same Greek warrior in Wolfgang Peterson's 2004 movie, Troy?


Q: Guild Wars (Rating: 8.22) introduced the six core professions of the game series. What were they?


Q: EVE Online`s (Rating: 8.22) developer, CCP Games, is based out of which country? Bonus points, in what sports movie sequel, released in 1994, did that country play a role as the heavily favoured team in the championship?


Q: What is the subtitle of 2007's Lord of the Rings Online (Rating: 8.22)? Bonus Points! Chronologically name the two released expansion packs, as well as the one forthcoming later this year?


Q: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (Rating: 8.21) has 15 adventuring classes (not counting some sub-classes). Name them.


Q: There are seven official expansions to Dark Age of Camelot (Rating: 8.21). Name four of them.


Q: Everquest II (Rating: 8.21) has six good-only races. Name them, alphabetically.


Q: City of Heroes (Rating: 8.21) offers “Super Booster” updates, usually adding costume sets and similar content to the game. They have released five. Name them.


Q: Ryzom (coming in at number 10, as the last game iwth the rating of 8.21) was shut down in 2007. Why?


Well, that concludes our quiz for this week. Stay tuned for another exciting edition next week!