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The Quiz: Hype Edition

Drew Wood Posted:
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, back to the Drew Wood Quiz Power Hour, where every week I try my best to be like your high school biology teacher to throw a challenging but achievable quiz your way! So in the video game industry, there's one eventuality that's entirely impossible to avoid: The Hype Machine. It'll hunt down your favorite releases while they're still on the radar and throw down judgement of just how good "the people" think your game is going to be. This week in the Quiz, we're going to take a look at a few of those games on the horizon that you or someone like you may be frothing at the mouth to get their hands on. Sit back and enjoy: THE HYPE!

Q: Alphabetically, what are the six thus-far revealed professions that you can choose from in the oft-hyped game, Guild Wars 2?


Q: Star Wars: The Old Republic is another highly anticipated forthcoming release. What is the name of the novel that was published on July 21, 2011, related to the game and written by Sean Williams?


Q: Which forthcoming game, according to its Wikipedia entry (yes, I used Wikipedia!), promises to deliver "a community like that of Ultima Online, PvE comparable to World of Warcraft and PvP taken from Lineage 2"? (Please note that nowhere on the internet was I able to find a quote to support this 'Promise', I just read it on the Wikipedia page and thought it was neat)


Q: Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising was a dead-in-the-water game, suddenly gifted with a rebirth in early 2010. What development company took over the ailing property and what development company was working on it before hand? Bonus points: Name the other dead and rebirthed title, it's new publisher and it's old one, in our top ten most hyped games over at the game list.


Q: Which anticipated game throws two factions at us; the U.N.I.T.E. (United Network of Intelligence and Tactical Experts) and ParaGON (The Paramilitary Global Operations Network) and comes to us from Sony Only Entertainment?


Q: Which game, a highly anticipated release from NCSoft, revealed in-game footage of its five revealed classes, the Blade Master, Assassin, Kung-Fu Master, Force Master and Destroyer, at G-Star 2010 back in November?


Q: What are the names of the three "Secret Societies" in FunCom's forthcoming release, The Secret World?


Q: This highly anticipated game, currently not slated to drop until late 2012 or 2013, is said to have a projected production cost of approximately $40M, according to an article at gamasutra.com


Q: This anticipated game was first available to the public this past month at PAX East, 2011 and was revealed with a live multiplayer tournament on the show floor.


Q: Alphabetically, name the six races available in the upcoming TERA Online


That concludes our quiz this week. Join us next week when once again I take you into a world of long-winded questions, and short-winded answers. Until then!