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The Quiz: E3 Edition

Drew Wood Posted:
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As you can plainly see, we've been crazy busy bringing you all of the best coverage from E3 2011. It's pretty clear to see that the MMORPG.com team (and the teams at RTSGuru.com and FPSGuru.com, our sister sites) have liked a lot of what we'd seen while we were in LA, and it's pretty hard not to get excited about some of the things making their way down the pipeline. That being said, it's time for us to walk away from our tribute quiz from last week where we started to say goodbye to one of the genre's oldest and truest friends, and this week look to the future. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the "What MMORPG.com has seen from E3 - So Far" Quiz! Get your #2 pencils ready! (Tee-hee, I said number 2). Here we go!

Q: Which of the featured games takes place on a post-alien invasion Earth, wherein the aliens, upon realizing that the world they wanted to cultivate for themselves was already inhabited, ultimately escalate things to war? Bonus Points: The video game company is making this game in association with a television channel. Name them both.


Q: Let's see how closely you've all been paying attention, shall we? In Garrett Fuller's article, "Star Wars: The Old Republic: E3 2011: Demo Impressions", which advanced class did the cinematic we were shown highlight? Bonus Points: Whose booth was SWTOR seen at this year, developer BioWare, publisher EA, or license holder, LucasArts?


Q: As mentioned in Richard J. Cox's article, published yesterday, one of the champions added to the League of Legends line-up is Leona, The Radiant Dawn. According to the presentation Richard saw, what was the community-driven motivation behind adding her?


Q: MMORPG.com's very own Community Guru, Michael Bitton, gave us a sneak peek from the home base during E3 on Star Wars. Mike made mention in his article of EA's new (announced June 3rd) digital distribution service. What's it called? Bonus Points: Star Wars: The Old Republic will be digitally available exclusively through this service, true or false?


Q: Space and science fiction MMOs seemed to be a theme at this year's conference, and Richard's other article published yesterday focused on the Gamigo/Reakktor free-to-play giant, Black Prophecy. In the article, Rich mentions a system in place that, when a specific bar in the UI fills up throughout combat, you're able to conduct special manoeuvres "such as the infamous flip-over from Top Gun where he ends up behind the pursuing jet". How do they refer to that system? Bonus Points: What's the URL of the website where you can sign up to participate in the game's open beta?


Q: Carolyn Koh brought her A-Game to E3 for us here at MMORPG.com and she sat down for a visit with the Keen Games/GameForge effort, Star Trek: Infinite Space. Carolyn explains in her article that the game brings three basic mission types to the table. What are they? Bonus Points: What hilarious Picard-ism does Carolyn bring up in the closing paragraph?


To close out the Quiz this week, I present you with two bonus questions (because I'm so generous)! They are bonus questions because while the articles themselves are related to E3, neither is specifically tied to a game. So here we go!

Bonus 1: What article contains mention of World of Tanks, Lord of the Rings Online, End of Nations and Dragon's Nest, among others?


Bonus 2: Oh, why not. For your final bonus question, I'll throw you a softball. Which world famous wrestler had our Lead Writer Bill Murphy just a little star-struck?


Well ladies and gentlemen, thanks again for joining me on this wacky adventure through quiz-dom in the world of MMOs. Our E3 coverage will be continuing over the next few weeks and you can expect to see more of what we saw and loved, as well as what we saw and were maybe a little less fond of. Until next week, students!