Welcome once again boys and girls to the Quiz! That time of the week where I lay out some questions to test your knowledge in a particular category. In celebration of Bill Murphy's Rant this week, please find below some questions on the games that he singled out as having the worst launches.
Q: World of Warcraft has had an ongoing comic book series based on the popular game released since 2007 and wrapping up in 2009. What is the name of the publishing imprint who released the content? Bonus points: Who is the founder of this particular publishing imprint?
Q: Anarchy Online came in on Bill's list as the second worst MMO Launch. What is the name of the planet in which the game takes place and, of course for bonus points, what is the name of the megacorporation that has control over the mineral-rich planet?
Q: Funcom's second entry on the list, Age of Conan, has all new characters start in a common locale within Hyboria. What was the name of this island? A bonus question? Sure! What is the name of the Author who created the Conan lore?
Q: Aion gives us four character classes (and two specialized classes per character class). What are they?
Q: What is the original release date of Star Wars Galaxies? Bonus points: What were the original release dates of the original three Star Wars Movies?
Q: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes released in January of 2007. Shortly after, Sony Online Entertainment announced the acquisition of the development company which had worked on the game. What, previously, was the name of that developer?
Q: On what date did EVE Online become available on Valve's Steam network?
Q: Darkfall's PvP has an interesting twist to it with regards to loot. What is it?
Q: We'll wrap it up with the one I thought I saw the most in the user comments. Final Fantasy XIV launched the collector's edition of the game on what date? And how many days had FFXIV been out of open beta before launch?

Thank you once again for joining me for the quiz. I hope it was fun, informative, and maybe tasted a bit like chocolate.
Until next week, Peace out!