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The Quiz: Beta Season Edition

Drew Wood Posted:
Columns 0

T'is the season, ladies and gentlemen, to be in Beta phase. This time of year, especially on the cusp of a big release year, usually sees several noteworthy titles in their Beta Testing phase, so I've come up with a special, games-in-Beta edition of the Quiz! Enjoy!

Q: We were rocked in-house by the announcement of one of the most anticipated games for 2011 hitting Beta earlier this month, as Rift made the announcement of launching their closed Beta on December 3rd of this year. Several days after the announcement of their Beta launch, Rift announced a new calling for each of their four classes. What were they?


Q: What game, currently in Beta, takes place in a world where government, in the traditional sense, has been overrun by the multinational corporations, where the corporations control the media, all levels of politics and the judiciary system?


Q: What game, launching to Beta phase today (November 24th, 2010) has flipped the kung-fu genre on its head by providing players with a tongue-in-cheek presentation that pays homage to the classic films of the genre, while simultaneously creating parody of both the film genre and the video game genre of the MMO?


Q: What game, currently in beta testing, is not only an MMORPG, but also a television cartoon that tells the story of Yugo, a 12 year old on a mission to find his true family with the help of his recently discovered powers?


Q: Which F2P game, currently in Open Beta, not only boasts itself as “Charmingly Hardcore”, but blends Fairy Tale with Chinese mythology to create an immersive F2P experience?


So that does it for today, a brief Beta-related Quiz. Any ideas for future quizzes? Any games not getting enough love in my column? Let me know!